Remote profiling?

  • Hi everyone,

    have you already had the situation that there is an amp out there that you would like to profile but that amp is unreachable for you? The good news is that the owner of the amp has an Apple DAW and all recording equipment to properly mike that particular amp. The bad news is that he doesn't own a Kemper and lives on another continent.

    My question is are there ways to remotely profile that amp? Is there someone out there who has ever done that?
    I am using Ardour on Linux with JACK audio server. RemoteJack allows to stream low latency audio data from another location to the master DAW. So I thought why not connecting the Kemper to the Audio Interface and send the profiling signals over to the remote location into that amp and return the recorded signal back into the Kemper? Could there any issues with the signal output level of the Kemper? How sensitive is Kemper to latency?
    All this is just in my head right now, never tried that...

    Any comments are appreciated.

    Cheers, Hans

  • Dear Hans,

    now that is a sick question :D
    I can see a "Kemper Profiling Streaming Service Company" if I think about this.
    I don´t know how sensitive the kemper reacts on latency. But the Problem I see is, that you digitalize and color the IR test signals of the kemper twice before they arrive. And you color the answers twice as well before you get them back. So this might misrepresent the results.
    But give it a try! I´m curios if it works and I´m a fan of your idea!

  • Even better if Kemper released a separate software/hardware platform for importing WAV files and then profiling them internally.

    You could then import your friends WAV file, control the microphone type, add in a little room, if you only record the amp without the cab into the WAV file you could add IRs later, save the setting and hit the profile button.

    Again sorry if it sounds dumb.


  • Hi you all thanks for your input.

    I had not much time today to think further about all this. What I basically want is to extend the loop "Kemper -> Amp -> Mic -> Kemper" over the internet. Additionally a second parallel stream could transmit the direct recorded audio and serve for the comparison of the profiling result to the original amp output (as if the amp would be profiled in a studio and the Kemper / Reference Sound switch can be listened through the monitors). With all that wired up, the profiling could be done remotely. But I fear that I have missed some evil detail such es signal level or whatever that is a showstopper. In the end only a test setup would prove me right or wrong. Maybe I can grab another audio interface for a couple of days to simulate this at my home :)

    Cheers, Hans