SOLVED (MacOS issue): Only one Rig Manager allowed per KPA?

  • So yesterday I decided to do a spot of recording and preseve all the cool riffs I got inspired to by my new shiney toaster :D All set up to record the KPA output and the direct guitar out, all works beautifully, until I want to change to a sound I only ever pre-viewed and don't have on the KPA yet. And that's where the trouble started.

    I realised I didn't have the Rig Manager on my recording computer, only on my work laptop, as that was what I used to just try out everyting. No problem, I thought, just install the RM on the recording laptop as well, which I did.

    Unfortunatley, the RM on that computer doesn't see my KPA :pinch: So I tried different USB cables, switching the KPA on before or after:

    • I plugged in the USB cable
    • I booted up the computer
    • I opened the RM

    and all of their combinations.

    I thought maybe there is an interference with the USB connection to my Focusrite audio interface. But unplugging that and going through the whole elimination process again didn't help, either. So, for a last test, I plugged it back in, got my work laptop connected that to the KPA, started the RM and ... it works ?( !

    So my question is: Could it be really true that you can only ever run one (in total) RM per Kemper?

    Edited once, last by NowoTone: Question got solved ().

  • Ok, I got it to work, but it must have been something else. I watched the video and I couldn't remember having seen the warning. I checked in the system settings and there was nothing. So I just deleted all Kemper related files, even checking MacHD>>Library>>Extentions (although that was strongly advised against in the other tread), but the file, KemperProfiler.kext, wasn't there, anyway.

    Then I installed everything again, with the same result. Again, the warning wasn't shown and the kemper not found. So I deleted everything again and downloaded the RM again (before, I used the version downloaded to my other computer). In theory this shouldn't make a difference, but I know from experience that sometimes the act of installing does something to the original file.

    With the new file I got the warning, but in the system settings wasn't anything to click on. However, after a re-start and opening the RM again, it showed the warning again and I could allow it in the system preferences.

    Now it works and recognises my Kemper! :D8o:thumbup:

    I'm still stumped, why the installation from the first file didn't work, but I don't care - at least I can now use the RM on my recording machine!