Awaiting the unknown!

  • Hi,

    New here. I am waiting my Kemper as I type this and excited to
    Play with this new toy! 8o:P
    I am interested in hearing from users what your experiences are? Good and bad.
    Also, It was between buying this and a Mesa Mark 5.
    So, I hope I made the right choice.
    If there are any members that have some of these and Mark one profiles that would be great.
    And maybe the Triaxis.
    Please let me know.
    I am a big fan of Ian Bairnson mostly on guitar along with some others.
    Les Paul and PRS Is where I tend to lean vs Fender and such.
    Really love those fat sweet woody tones with some pick in there.
    Anyway, Any input is welcome. And thanks for having me here!

  • Thanks for you help on the Mesa.I can't wait to try it!

    I am stil in waiting,like a honeymooner!

    I would love to have an early Mark one set on profiles.

    It's what put Mesa on the map!


  • I received the unit and I am not overly thrilled with the layout.
    I thought it would be a little more user friendly?
    What am I missing?
    I noticed I only have 10 inch speaker cab models?
    What's the deal here? I don't want to register it just to update it.
    That would mean I coildn't return it.
    The other option is the Mark 5 I was looking at.
    I might go,that route. I just can't get around this thing very well for some reason.
    And I've worked with menu based gear so,I'm not a rookey.

    Anything I am missing?



  • what is it that you find "not userfriendly"? go ahead and register, you can still return it. about the cabs; you need to save the cab from a rig first. press and hold the cab-button, click store and choose cab only, give it a name. then you find it among the other cabs when browsing. you should also download the Tills cabs-package, loads of great marshall and mesa cabs. put'em on a usb-stick and import them, it's easy, check the manual.

  • It looks like I need to get a memory stick. The operating system
    Seems dated. It states initial version. Will the most updated fix these problems?
    When I saved my settings for patch changes,when I power down and
    Turn back on the midi changes on midi # 1 keeps going back to
    Midi #93?
    A couple of times I had audio completely cut out and I had to
    Restart to get it back.
    I was really hoping on trying this live this weekend just 4 patches.

    I have the manual but, it's not really useful,when the hardware doesn't
    Completely support it. My unit says that the perform mode isn't supported for instance. :?:

  • yes you need a usb-stick, an old 1Gb will do. put it in the back and let the kpa format it for you. dl 1.06beta and put it in the osupdate folder on the stick. I don't have any midiproblems in 1.06 . the perform mode is not implemented yet.

  • So,no audio drops either?
    I wish they would have had the update already installed.
    Or give us a basic USB stick.
    I just received it yesterday and don't imagine it was just
    Sitting around in a warehouse at Sweetwater.
    It would have made life easier. I've had it boxed thinking
    It was a lossed cause.
    I hope to get it running. A USB stick isn't what I was expecting to purchase after shelling out
    $1800.00. :cursing:

    Thanks for your help!

  • No I've never had use for one to be honest. ?(
    I have a Mac pro and never had to transfer anything
    On a USB stick.
    Most of my audio files are too large to bother with it anyway.
    And I am using in my home. I'm not exchanging anything with anyone
    Or to another studio.
    I use technology as a tool. I don't even use a cell phone or text.
    So what? I try to keep it simple if I can.
    Initially, I din't use the Internet but,am forced to because
    Of updates and support. No one uses a phone anymore.
    It's a shame it would be easier I believe.
    But,different strokes for different folks.

  • I finally have gotten it together and it is pretty simple to use once I undated the unit.

    So,thanks for all your help!

    Love this thing now! :love:

  • Guys, Thanks for your kind support but,it's going back.
    I haven't been able to really fall in love with this thing. I do commend the effort involved! :thumbup:
    I've tried back and forth to the packing and I just don't hear anything super special over traditional modeling that
    comes close to the touch and feel of a real amp. The sound is still to my ears,very digital.Sounds plastic not rich harmonically
    in the top end at all.
    The idea is very cool and the effects are very nice.
    But, I've tried the amp/cabs that came with it and tried some user profiles and to me
    it lacks depth. It has a very upfront sound as all the modeling does.No 3d or way to give it real space.
    When I record a real amp in the room it has dimension.
    I like a miked sound that isn't always right in your face and this is mostly in your face all the time!
    I really wanted this to work so, I hope it continues to improve and if it ever super seeds it's self,
    I'll have another look .
    'Till then it's back to the tubes!