question about trying new profiles

  • So finally i have the time to focus on my kemper tomorrow at last and try it out!! (crossing fingers that nothing unexpected comes up) so im pretty psyched as i have been following this unit's news since day one when it was announced..

    I have a stupid question to ask and i think the answer is no but i just want to make sure. (read most of the 9 pages of threads in the kemper Qs section but dont remember to have seen the answer sorry if i missed it :s

    Is there a way that i can "load" users profiles to audition them without actually downloading them into the kemper? (sort of a RAM vs ROM thingy); i have so many profiles that i am worried if i put them all in itll take me forever to find the ones i like.

    If there isnt a way to do that then its all good!

    PS: cant wait to start profiling my amps (would be great to have that at home to record with whenever i want..)


  • No, The only way is to load them into the Kemper, it would be nice if there was some space on the Kemper web site to post mp3 clips, for those who wish to provide a demo of the profiles uploaded.