Lock RIG Volume

  • On many occasions, I find myself needing the Rig volume to stay consistent because I'll either lock the Cab section or lock one of the stomp / effects sections which often alters the volume of all rigs, however there's currently no way to lock the Rig volume. I'm not sure how locking the Rig volume might work since the Rig button controls more than the Rig volume.

  • When locking an effect you should check first that it is volume neutral - no volume difference between on and off. Most effects offer a volume control for that purpose. Otherwise it's hard to predict and manage its impact in context of other Rigs. In some Rigs the locked effect for example in module B might overwrite another effect stored in module B of that Rig and that might have another volume impact. A locked Rig Volume would also level the volume of your lead sounds or you need to manage those via Amp Volume or other volumes. The most logical approach would be to adjust output volumes as these are global by nature. If you locked effect increases the volume a bit, turn down Master Volume by that amount. Make sure the relevant outputs are linked to Master Volume.

  • When locking an effect you should check first that it is volume neutral - no volume difference between on and off. Most effects offer a volume control for that purpose. Otherwise it's hard to predict and manage its impact in context of other Rigs. In some Rigs the locked effect for example in module B might overwrite another effect stored in module B of that Rig and that might have another volume impact. A locked Rig Volume would also level the volume of your lead sounds or you need to manage those via Amp Volume or other volumes. The most logical approach would be to adjust output volumes as these are global by nature. If you locked effect increases the volume a bit, turn down Master Volume by that amount. Make sure the relevant outputs are linked to Master Volume.

    Many effects do offer a volume control, however the cab section doesn't. The advantage of locking the Rig volume vs. setting the Master volume is that locking is temporary, thus I don't have to take note or keep track of where the Master or (output) volume is set.