Fixed Latching/Hold mode for KPA Remote Effect Buttons (switch as long as button is hold instead of tap for ON and tap for OFF again)

  • Better performance, less technical restrictions

    For Kemper Remote Buttons I, II, III, IIII

    Improvements for the players

    If you have just a short time you want your effect to be active you don't have to be curious if you tapped the button one, two or three times and you can concentrate on your playing instead.


    If you want to toggle an effect just for a short time, you have to press the button one time to switch it on, then play your note and then press the button again to switch it back off.


    You hold the button as long as you want your chosen effect (combination) to be activated/deactivated/switched.

    As soon as you remove your foot from the button the effcts are deactivated/activated/switched back.

    Idea for Implementation

    While holding the button on the remote for assigning the stomps/effects you could display a checkbox for Latching Mode to toggle the mode (Switch Mode <-> Latching mode)

    You could name it Latching Mode or Hold Mode