Anybody here with a DTAR Mama Bear / Aura pedal?

  • Hi,

    I play acoustic guitar too... :)
    If you have a Mama Bear or an Aura pedal, could you profile it for me? (OM's)
    I think this should work with the KPA... And to me it makes more sense than profiling a transistor acoustic guitar amp if you want to get a 'natural' sound.



  • Excellent suggestion! This works very well with the AFX II, and I see no reason why it wouldn't sound great with the KPA as well. Unfortunately, I don't have my Aura here at home, but if I can find my Yamaha Acoustic Stomp I'll shoot some profiles (they sound just as good as the Aura, imho). If anyone out there has a Yamaha *Magic Stomp*, I believe they also contain the same Acoustic imaging of the Acoustic Stomp pedal.

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • I have no experience with the Aura and would like to try that, owned the Mama Bear and didn't care for it, no matter how i set it, or how much I blended the effect to the dry tone, there was always this "fake" tone to it..maybe it's just me because many people love it..still would be interested in seeing how these profiles would work with the KPA.
    By the way i had bought both power supplies for USA and Europe, think I still have the european one, if anyone has a Mama Bear and wants it, PM me and i'll give it to you free..have no use for it..

  • Hey Guys,

    I own the Aura Spectrum DI, will try and get some useable stuff profiled as soon as I have the time!

    "One of my legs is shorter than the other and both my feet's too long" FZ

  • I tried to profile my Aura Concert pedal a few weeks ago but couldn't get it to sound even close. I would love to nail this so I can get rid of the pedal but the results I got were crap. I was running from the KPA directly into the pedal and straight back to the KPA (ie no mic or amp involved) - maybe you can't do it this way? ?(