Solved-Possible midi issue (Reverb State) with Profiler Rack Firmware 7.15?

  • Hi Everyone.

    New Kemper owner here thanks to Santa! Really loving my new Profiler Rack so far. Only issue I am having is getting reliable state messages regarding reverb to my FCB1010 foot controller with EurekaProm 3.2 chip. All stomp and effects states work fine except for reverb state (i.e. LED light on FCB) does not update correctly when I switch rigs. The LED acts correctly when I connect the FCB to another device. The LED does behave if I press the switch on the FCB twice, which activates or deactivates the reverb, then it toggles on and off with successive presses after that.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts you might have.

  • An update to the above: the issue appears to be most apparent in Perform mode and also affects the state of the delay switch on the FCB. I just scrolled through several rigs in Browser mode and the delay and reverb states changed correctly with different rigs.