Morphing erasing

  • Manual: "You can erase Morphing of any parameter by turning the morphed value back to the base value."

    OK I understand easy enough but then it reads...

    "• A safer way to erase a Morphing is to first activate the Base Sound, and then sweep the base value of any parameter past the morphed value."

    And then what? Save?

    I don't understand this at all. The manual is telling you to activate base sound and sweep any parameter value with the base sound engaged. I don't understand what that will do or if that is really what they meant to write. Do they mean sweep any morphed parameter value while on base sound? Even so, if I have base gain on 5 and morphed gain on 8 I just go to base mode and sweep gain past 8, back to 5 and save? The manual reads:"While the Base Sound is active, any edits of continuous parameters are associated with the Base Sound. While Morph Sound is active, any edits of continuous parameters only affect the Morph Sound." so how does sweeping a value in base mode erase the morphed value? Is that a print error or am I missing something?

    Another scenario is if I had the base gain on 5 and the morphed gain maxed. I couldn't sweep PAST the value then.

    I know there is a page in rig settings to view and delete but I wanted to understand this method. I usually read things in manuals and follow along verbatim, so I may just be misinterpreting something.

  • Hi, Dynochrome,

    I just went over to my Profiler and tried it. It takes seconds to do that - much less time than it takes to describe it in writing. It works as described.

    "...any parameter"

    - that means if you want to erase the morphed value for gain, then sweep the gain value beyond the morphed value for gain.

    "...if I had the base gain on 5 and the morphed gain maxed. I couldn't sweep PAST the value then."

    - then you have to use the other method.

  • "that means if you want to erase the morphed value for gain, then sweep the gain value beyond the morphed value for gain."

    See, the way it was wrote it doesn't literally say the same specific control. It says ANY parameter, not the one you are trying to change. I take things very literally.

    So petty picking aside lol, are you in base mode and you just sweep the parameter past the value? You don't go into morphed mode, it's done right from there? Do you save afterwards if you want it to stay that way? (I don't think that is mentioned)

    As I wrote I'm used to following instructions to the letter and not presuming much , even if it makes common sense to me to do the oppisite. There are a lot of things that would make sense to me but not to others.

  • Hi, Dynochrome,

    I didn't have anything to do with the documentation. I read the same text as you did,

    " A safer way to erase a Morphing is to first activate the Base Sound, and then sweep the base value of any parameter past the morphed value."

    I took that to mean

    " A safer way to erase a Morphing [ value for any parameter] is to first activate the Base Sound, and then sweep the base value of any [that] parameter past the morphed value.

    Then I went over to the Profiler and tried it. It worked as I expected. My interpretation was informed by my understanding that a Morphed state can have different values for several parameters. It makes sense that you might want to erase on Morphed value without affecting others. Similarly, it would not make sense to erase Morphing for all parameters by adjusting just one of them.

    I understand how you might have interpreted things differently. When I'm not sure how to interpret the manual, trying things on the Profiler clears things up.

    We may have different learning styles. I'm sharing what works for me.

    "Do you save afterwards if you want it to stay that way?"

    Yes - this is true of any setting in a Rig or Performance. If you change anything and you want it to stay that way, you must Save it.

  • Thanks, I got it now. It's simple just like you said. I don't understand why it is that way but it doesn't matter it works! Every other button lights up to "steer the way" except the store button.. I'm used to digital rigs that when you make an edit that will go away if you change presets, the store light will come on.