"E" ?

  • When I get a new unit I am curious and have to know most everything.. What does the capital "E" mean on the right of the screen by both the author name in browse and to the right of performance name in performance mode?

  • Hi, Dynochrome.

    From page 21 of the Kemper Manual.

    In Browse Mode

    The "E" remains visible while you have unsaved changes (Edits).

    If you want to keep the changes, save the Rig.

    If you don't want to keep the changes, switch to a different Rig. The changes will be lost. When you go back to the Rig where you noticed the "E", the "E" will not be displayed.


  • In performance mode, my E stays on all the time.Even If I save the performance, the E is still there.

    Yes, that's the way it works.

    The "E" indicates you have unchanged Edits in the Rig. To save a Rig, you have to be in Browse mode. The behaviour I described above applies when you are in Browse mode.

    I haven't found a way to clear the "E" in Performance mode. I think this is a reminder that you are working with a copy of the Rig in the Performance Slot - not the original Rig in the Pool.

    Maybe someone else can explain this.