About the phenomenon of distortion and thinning of the sound even with a clean tone on the kemper stage

  • Yesterday, I was trying to profile my home amp (badcat the paw).

    I tried to connect send1→amp input→amp speaker out→power attenuator (crews GBVI)amp input→attenuator line out→return1, but I couldn't get it to work, so I gave up. Today, I started the kemper stage and connected my guitar to the input to play. It sounds like it was plugged straight from the guitar into the audio line-in.

    The input and output volume LEDs also light up green, so it's not clipping internally.

    When I plugged the guitar into the amp, the sound came out fine, so there is no problem on the guitar side or the shield side, and I checked the clean sense and distortion sense, and they are set to 0.

    What could be the cause? Could it be an internal problem?;(

  • About reading the manual:

    ¨   Why do I need my guitar cabinet when I want to capture a PROFILE without a cabinet?

    It's true, the sound of the speaker will not be captured in this case, but the complex impedance behavior of the speaker is still needed to create those oft-mentioned interactions between the power tube amp and the connected guitar cabinet. The DI box will ensure that there are real-life interactions for the PROFILING process to capture. Later, when the PROFILE is played back through the built-in Class D power amp, or an external solid-state power amp, it will recreate the same impedance situation to that of the connected guitar cabinet. This is the key to making our built-in power amp sound like a tube power amp. For this reason, we recommend that you don't use any kind of power-soaks or power-attenuators, either as a substitute for, or in addition to, the DI box and true speaker. Those devices work mostly with simple resistors, which might inhibit the desired impedance interactions, thereby resulting in an inauthentic PROFILE.

  • Thank you very much for your reply!

    Also, I apologize for my poor explanation.

    When I tried to profile, there was no sound, so I gave up on the profile itself.
    Then, when I started kemper the next day, all the rigs that had been sounding fine now sounded bad.

    I tried headphones, main outs, monitor outs, all of them, and it was still no good.

    I thought it wasn't good, but when I did the first step of the profile without the cable connected to the send return, I could hear the sound even though it wasn't connected to the amp, so I thought it might be some kind of strange setting, so I asked.

    This is the first time I learned that using an attenuator is not recommended... Thanks for the valuable info!

  • I'm not sure, what this means:

    "thought it wasn't good, but when I did the first step of the profile without the cable connected to the send return, I could hear the sound even though it wasn't connected to the amp, so I thought it might be some kind of strange setting, so I asked."

    In Profiler Mode and as long as "Kemper amp" is selected you hear the Rig you have selected as your reference. The whole PROFILING concept is explained in the Main Manual.

    If suddenly all Rigs sound wrong, a global setting might be screwed. Press "Init Globals" in System Settings to reset all global settings to their default. Also check you external gear e.g. guitar, cables, pedals connected.