Own Hammer IR's Not loading into rig manager

  • Hi, Ive bought some ownhammer impulse responses and done everything by the book downloaded 44.1 and when i drag and drop in my preset folder i just get an endless spinning circle, does anyone have any insights because this has become beyond aggravating and im at a loss on what else to try.

  • - Which version is your rig manager?

    Older versions are not capable of converting the .wav-files and an extra tool was needed.

    - Have you tried any other IRs to check if the files are wrong?

    (I‘m using Ownhammer stuff too and i never had a problem.)

  • Ive had the same problem. Ive used the latest beta version of rig manager. No luck. Just resorted to using the cab maker tool instead. Im using it on Mac latest OS as well. It actually crashes rig manager when I import an ownhammer file into it.

  • Also having issues with trying to drag and drop IR's into RM. On the latest beta version. It just crashes. I'm also on a Mac (11.3.1). Using cab maker works although it's really tedious.