Accessing all my Profiles in Rig Manager on a new PC?

  • Hi all

    As I mainly use my Kemper at home for recording and practicing, I tend to access profiles stored on my PC directly using Rig Manager (as opposed to storing them on my Profiler).

    I'm about to start using a new Windows 11 computer and was wondering how to go about accessing the profiles currently stored on my old PC.

    I'm guessing I will have to copy all these profiles across, but will the new install of Rig Manager 'remember' the folder structure I currently use, or will I have to start completely from scratch and import and organise all my profiles again.

    Any help and advice greatly appreciated!


  • In the "Tools" menu of your old Rig Manager installation, choose "Backup Rig Manager Content". It will create a backup file that contains the complete folder structure of all Local Library Rigs, Presets and Performances. Copy that file to your new PC, and choose "Tools/Restore Rig Manager Content" in the new Rig Manager installation. Point it to the backup file, and you're done.
    Best regards,

  • In the "Tools" menu of your old Rig Manager installation, choose "Backup Rig Manager Content". It will create a backup file that contains the complete folder structure of all Local Library Rigs, Presets and Performances. Copy that file to your new PC, and choose "Tools/Restore Rig Manager Content" in the new Rig Manager installation. Point it to the backup file, and you're done.
    Best regards,

    Excellent, many thanks Arne - just the sort of advice I was seeking!