Using a compressor in front of the KPA

  • I just got a Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone pedal, and I'm wondering if any of you have experience using a compression type pedal in front of your Kemper. Should I expect this type of pedal to function with the Kemper as it would with an actual amp and cab?

    I am going from my guitar into the Philosopher's Tone, then from the PT into the guitar input on the front of my Kemper.

    Would it be better to use the Loop on the Kemper?

    I'm finding that some profiles take the pedal well and some don't, which is probably true of the source amps. Some profiles barely have any output when engaging the pedal, but when I load another profile then reload the previous profile everything is fine again.

    For those of you with more experience using compression pedals, how does the compressor effect built into the Kemper compare with compression pedals you have used in the past?