Remote slot loading behavior within a performance

  • Hello All,

    I am restating this request from some years ago. I begin with a quote from page 285 of the Kemper Main Manual, version 8.5;

    "As soon as you load another Slot from your foot controller, or foot buttons of the PROFILER Remote or Stage, any former modifications within that Performance are interpreted as temporary tweaks during a live performance and will be discarded immediately. If, for example, you had activated a booster in module B, or increased Delay Mix via pedal, any such changes will be lost if you switch Slots remotely. This way, you can always be sure that Slots will be loaded in their original, predictable state during live performances.

    However, there is an exception to this practice: While Rig Manager is connected, any modifications are interpreted as editing and maintained during Slot changes as long as you stay within the same Performance."

    I propose that the behavior exception listed above be made switchable to operate *without* Rig Manager connected. By switchable, I mean that a global selection be added that would enable this behavior or disable it, (to act as it does now). Changing to another Performance would discard any temporary modifications, just as it does now.

    This, of course, begs the question, "How do I select the stored/saved (rather than modified) version of a Rig without changing to another Performance?" I further propose that a long press on a slot button recall the stored/saved version of the Rig assigned there. This "reset" function could be useful in many cases and need not be switchable.


    Kemper Power Head

    Mission Engineering KM-212P-GN w/ Kemper Kone Speakers

  • Really good suggestion!

    It sounds a bit similar to the long asked for ”Lock per Performance” function (also requested under many different names).

    I hope your request is the one that finally makes this obvious useful function available.😀

  • Thanks for replying JSJSJS,

    I didn't think anyone would reply. I haven't been able to read your full description of a "Lock per Performance" function so I am not sure if it would be something I could support. I am going to post a new request asking if anyone has found a way of "emulating" the behavior I described without Rig Manager running and connected via the USB connection.

    Kemper Power Head

    Mission Engineering KM-212P-GN w/ Kemper Kone Speakers