Mac USB-> Kemper -> SPDIF OUT?

  • I want to send audio from my Mac M1 over USB to the Kemper, then I want that audio to go out of the Kemper’s SPDIF into my DAC and on to the stereo amp and speakers, hopefully with my guitar+profile (from regular guitar input jack) mixed in.

    I select the Profiler as my Mac’s output device, hit PLAY on a YouTube video, the guitar goes silent, and I get no sound from the video.

    I stop the video, eventually the guitar starts up again. I never hear the video’s sound.

    What am I missing? I’ve tried many output configurations on the Kemper.

  • I’m a little confused on how all the routing goes. I have a Mac M1. I have a quantum 2626. In midi assistant,I can make an aggregate device for profiler and the 2626. But, Studio One doesn’t like this. I can make a dual output and have music come from both. Studio one doesn’t like this either. I get the 4 outputs into the DAW, but what controls the input? The guitar? I seem to turn down all outputs and I’m still getting -12-0 db into the channels.