how to clear snapshots?

  • If anyone knows how to clear snapshot views that would be really helpful. I've reduced the number of rigs considerably but still have loads of old ones in the snapshot view which i'd like to clean out and start again. Thanks in anticipation.


  • Go to the Rig menu, press the 4th soft button ("Browse Snapshots") and use the "Delete" soft button ( the 3rd one) and confirm. Same as with the Rigs

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Many thanks.

    I found it but wasn't sure how it would operate - whether it would just delete those views or the rigs themselves. I'd just gone down from 1700 to c 300 profiles, many of the ones I'd deleted were still showing in snapshot and I didn't want to delete the rigs i'd decided to keep and undo all the good work..

