irig + kemper stage??

  • What’s up guys! My name is Trev Solstice. I own and curate the project Sleep Solstice. Im new to the whole streaming thing but i want to be able to duet tiktoks and stream live in the near future. i see that the irig is a good option but there’s a few different kinds. what should i get? i want to be able to specifically plug my guitar into my kstage and the kstage into my phone to duet tiktok’s to start. what’s the best one for this?? and then as far as upgrades for the future i’d like to be able to utilize my computer and daw and kinda if be able to easily connect everything so i can upgrade to a full and quality streaming set up where i can do whatever i want, stream guitar live with my own backing tracks or others, be able to talk and be heard at the same time, all that stuff 🙌🏻 mainly i’m looking for a quick start budget option to get going that will do the tiktok thing for me and then a not so budget friendly list of essentials for a whole quality streaming set up 💪🏻 i use flstudios pro, the kstage, a desktop computer, and i have a quality iphone’ any help is super appreciated ❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻🤘🏼🤘🏼