
  • When recording through USB, listening while recording is in time, but in the DAW it's recorded a few milliseconds behind the beat and I have to move the record part back to the right spot. Is this normal?

    Is this latency? And is this latency every time the same or does it increase and decrease during recording?

    What is the best way to deal with this?

    Thank you.

  • wiegersma

    Changed the title of the thread from “Latency delay” to “Latency/delay”.
  • Hi wiegersma I think this is absolutely not normal. I use Logic Pro on a Mac. The Kemper as an audio interface straight into the DAW and with active "Direct Monitoring" works fine for me. When I listen back after recording the track is in time.

    What DAW are you using?

    Kemper Stage - Macbook Air 2017 - macOS Catalina 10.15.7 - Logic Pro X

  • Samplitude is running on PC, right?

    I heard people have latency issues using their Kemper with a PC. But I'm not sure if it's a general thing or something special.

    Kemper Stage - Macbook Air 2017 - macOS Catalina 10.15.7 - Logic Pro X