Midi pass through of Effects on /off midi messages from remote

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    I want to use my Kemper remote to control an external multi effects unit. Specifically I want to be able to switch the external effects on and off using the Kemper remotes effects on and off switches. The multieffects unit is receiving expression pedal data from an expression pedal connected to the remote but there doesn’t appear to be any midi data being generated by the effects on/ off switches.

    Does the Kemper not forward effects on / off switches?

    Any guidance much appreciated

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    By default, the PROFILER doesn't forward any MIDI comands and the Remote as such is just a remote control for the PROFILER and has no standalone MIDI functionality.

    You can activate the capacity to send MIDI program changes whenever Slots get loaded in Performance Mode to one or two external devices. If you have set this up, it doesn't matter how you load these Slots (via Remote, front panel, analog switches, MIDI, ....). In addition you can also activate "Pedal to MIDI", which sends the four pedal controllers for Wah (cc#1), Pitch (cc#4), Volume (cc#7) and Morphing (cc#11) to those same external devices. That is what you seem to be using already.

    If you activate UI to MIDI, a lot of parameters will be forwarded. It's basically all you need to make a second PROFILER follow a "master" PROFILER in Performance Mode including Slot loads, pedals, effect switches and parameters like gain. This might be way too much and confuse your external devices.

    If your external effects unit is able to load presets via MIDI program changes it is possible to make the PROFILER send these but only when you load another Slot in Performance Mode.