• Hello everybody , I downloaded the ADA MP1 profiles and i have to say they are pretty good , kemper sounds look fantastic . I was wondering if somebody could profile the ada mp1 solid state channel , i tried the distortions and the clean channel , but there is no profile for the solid state channel which is a clean sound but a kind of transistor clean sound . Could somebody make me happy about it ? Rob Shanahan and Mark Hall are the two guys who have profiled ADA MP1 sounds , i tried to contact them but i don't know how to do it .
    I would appreciate if somebody could help me in this my research.
    All the best to all Kemper Community .

  • i used an mp1 back in the day, and it seems to me that the solid state setting was just a di sound. i think you'd get essentially the same sound by profiling a cable. what made it interesting at all was the compressor and the chorus, and of course whatever cabinet you were using...

    otoh, that's what's unique about the kemper, you can profile anything.
    i sold mine long ago, so can't help directly, but i bet someone will oblige...

  • Hi ,

    I will get the SS channel on the ADA-MP1 profiled over the next day or 2.If there are particular settings that you'd like on it then let me know and I can set it to same before I profile. It will be D.I'd. I assume thats ok and you can set your own cab to it later?

    Check out the following link also I said I can do a few profiles for you.


    All the best,

    Rob Shanahan

  • Awwww thank you guys for answering my question , and thank You Rob i have finally found You . Yes I'd be really interested in having some profiles of the solid state channel , well if i can say something about the settings , i'd be grateful if they could sound something like Dokken's clean sound arpeggios . I would appreciate if you could profile four or five settings , friend .
    I will stay tuned on this forum , catch you later .
    All the best .

  • Hi Valerj,
    You can try flashing the that big ADA logo up in the sky, it always seemed to work for Batman (kidding). I deliberately avoided profiling any SS settings because there are so many good clean profiles on the board and I assumed anyone interested in the MP1 would want the higher gain settings. Obviously I was wrong which is a good thing for all of us KPA owners. I never tire of the variety of profiles that we find. I was just talking to another KPA user today and stated if we were to run identical profiles they would still sound different due to us both using different rigs (me-KPA>power amp>cab, him-KPA>powered monitors). I will also try to run a few additional profiles and 2nd Rob's offer to do a run on any additional profiles that users may find interesting. I still have an SWR California Blonde that I have yet to profile. There are some nice acoustic amps profiled already, it couldn't hurt to add this to the mix. Keep the requests coming! :thumbup:

  • Hi Valerj,
    You can try flashing the that big ADA logo up in the sky, it always seemed to work for Batman (kidding). I deliberately avoided profiling any SS settings because there are so many good clean profiles on the board and I assumed anyone interested in the MP1 would want the higher gain settings. Obviously I was wrong which is a good thing for all of us KPA owners. I never tire of the variety of profiles that we find. I was just talking to another KPA user today and stated if we were to run identical profiles they would still sound different due to us both using different rigs (me-KPA>power amp>cab, him-KPA>powered monitors). I will also try to run a few additional profiles and 2nd Rob's offer to do a run on any additional profiles that users may find interesting. I still have an SWR California Blonde that I have yet to profile. There are some nice acoustic amps profiled already, it couldn't hurt to add this to the mix. Keep the requests coming!
    Well Yes . I am really interested in the solid state sound cause it fits better for the 80's clean sounds , for rock music , I think it was the most used sound in that Era .

  • I checked the site out , but still no ADA Solid state uploaded ;(
    Uhmmm Rob if You're reading me out-there ... I'm also interested in some ADA MP1 distortions settings which Nuno Bettencourt used for the Pornograffitti Album :rolleyes: :love: .
    All The best friend .

  • There is an ADA NUNO setting on the exchange but we can run a few more. Sorry for not having any profiles up yet, it was late when I left the first message and I just woke up a bit ago, we may be on different time zones (or it may just be me on my own time zone). I'm going to load a few today and see what kind of mess we can make. :thumbup:

  • Wow that's great ! Italy Time Zone here friend :)
    Up with the ADA MP1 Guys , thank You very much so , to everybody .

  • Hey Valerj and anyone else who is interested. Loaded a few more ADA MP1 profiles. I want to give you a breakdown on what's what since some of the Clean profiles are actually tube clean and not solid state. Here goes:

    Solid State: Clean1, Clean2, Clean3, Clean4, BrightCLN, AbsoluteCLN, Albert Lee

    Tube Clean: CLN Metallica, CLN Rhythm, CLN Chords, Fender, Natural CLN

    Tube Distortion: Steinberger+, NUNO2, DeathMetal, WSnake3

    I tried to profile the Queensryche Lead preset but it was too noisy to profile no matter how I tried it. There are enough gain profiles from the ADA that I'm sure you can tweak one to get the desired Queensryche tone. Let me know if you come across any others you would like me to take a stab at. Enjoy :thumbup:

  • I really thank you guys ,You definitely made my Day , i will try the sounds tomorrow and i will let You know how they are to my ears , meanwhile i wanna tell you that you really showed the spirit of a great community ; thank You Rob , Thank You for the spacey uploads Mhguitarist , Thank You everybody for this wonderful cooperation .

  • Loosiedrummer,
    Part of the challenge with the Queensryche and some other profiles is the ADA Chorus Depth/Rate settings. The KPA will not profile the chorus effect but a lot of the MP1 profiles utilize the depth setting to create a unique compression. While this effect sounds great and works very well on the ADA it is picked up by the KPA as a type of swirling white noise that wreaks havoc on the profiling process. I can try dropping the Depth/Rate settings out of any given ADA preset but it then becomes a different tone (although not necessarily a bad tone). I will run the Queensryche tomorrow minus the ADA Chorus along with the other presets you recommended. Worst case scenario is it comes out not sounding the way we would like. Stay tuned! :thumbup:

  • what if He tries to add these kind of effects (chorus and compression ) after having inserted the profiled sounds in his kemper ?