The sound has been cutting out

  • I've been having issues with my sound completely cutting out.
    I've had to scroll through many profiles before the sound comes back on, and I've been playing fine and then the sound shuts off.
    I'm on the first version of the public beta. Could this be related?
    Any help will be appreciated.

  • Have you checked your cables? Nobody ever had this issue with the KPA.... ?( Try with another cable and possibly another guitar, if it still happens then contact support.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • The cables don't seem to be the trouble, and it's happened on 2 guitars so far.
    The sound comes roaring back on as soon as I select a profile that works, it's not happening when I move the cable etc. Besides they are high end cables that don't have problems when going directly into an amp.
    I guess it's going to be tech support.

    Have you checked your cables? Nobody ever had this issue with the KPA.... ?( Try with another cable and possibly another guitar, if it still happens then contact support.

  • Wait a moment...the sound is completely off on certain profiles and on on other? Is not going on/off randomly on the same profile?
    If this is the case:

    1- Do you have a volume pedal connected?
    2- Do you have Midi exp. pedals connected?

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Wait a moment...the sound is completely off on certain profiles and on on other? Is not going on/off randomly on the same profile?
    If this is the case:

    1- Do you have a volume pedal connected?
    2- Do you have Midi exp. pedals connected?

    or the loop active in one of the fx-slots?

  • I've had this happen since the last beta update, as well. I noticed it when I purchased the last amp pack by And44. Great Amp Pack, btw.

    I noticed that all of my previously saved profiles worked fine, but when I loaded one of the new And44 profiles, I would get no sound.

    The fix for me was to go into Rig Setting / Volume pedal settings and turn volume pedal to off.

    Maybe it has something to do with the volume pedal settings at the time the profile was saved? Just a guess.