I need idiot friendlly instructions for useing a fv-500h as wah.

  • ;(

    I've bought a boss fv-500h to use it as a wah with the kemper because i know some people here use it for that purpose with great success.
    I've never used an expression pedal before.I also tried to find some instructions in the KPA manual,i tried all kinds of settings but i cannot figure out how to make it work.
    Sorry,i feel stupid but please:
    1.What kind of cable do i need ?
    2.The cable should go where?Which of the boss inputs and which of the kpa should i plug the cable into? "Switch /pedal #1"?
    3.What settings should i do in the system menu and in the wah menu?
    Please help!

    Thank you in advance!

    Edited once, last by andjar ().

  • 1- TRS cable
    2- From Exp. in the Boss to Switch/pedal 2 in the Kemper
    3- In the System menu (press System), page 4, turn Pedal 2 knob 'till Expr. (Type 2). Press "Pedal 2 init.". Go to the wha menu (press and hold the button of the assigned slot), page 2, and turn the pedal mode to "bypass @ heel" so it will auto engage when you move it from the heel position. The rest of the settings is a matter if taste. Good luck!

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff