USB Drive Not Mounting...Please help!

  • Hi Guys, I have an 8gb microUSB that i've been using for over 5 months without a problem, and today i went to add some more rigs (only have like 15 or so on the kemper currently) and the external storage soft key doesn't show up.

    i went to maintenance mode and tried to format the flash and it said failed.

    I put kaos.bin for the 1.6 in the root folder and pressed the < and > buttons while putting it in tuner mode and it says error: unable to mount usb device.

    i tried this with 4 different usb sticks with no luck...:-(

    please help!

  • 1- is the KPA booting up regularly? DO NOT boot it from USB!
    2- stay calm..... ;)
    3- take 1 of the USB and format it FAT32 on the computer, then put it back in the Kemper (while still empty) and press Yes when it ask zo format it.
    4- now you should be able to use the USB

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • i wish it were that easy.

    she boots up correctly, but when i insert a newly formatted usb stick (4 diff ones) it doesn't recognize it and the soft button "external storage" doesn't come up. i should note that i booted into maintenance mode and flashed the firmware and init the firmware to attempt to get the usb recognized and that didn't work either :(

  • Well, I suggest you contact support.

    Edit: are you formatting in FAT32? NTFS doesn't work

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff