Used my Kemper 1st time at a gig

  • Consensus from the sound guy and others in the crowd - GREAT tone

    Consensus from me on stage - GREAT tone in the 2nd set. I use in ears and the whole first set, because the place hadn't filled up yet and we had limited space on stage, the drums were picking up through all the vocal mics and the reverb was 100 times worse because of the sound bouncing back and forth all over the place. It completely squashed any mix I had in my ears. I certainly couldn't hear my guitar at all and the vocals were at a minimum. Tried taking one bud out as I had a small Marshall Haze on stage but being so close and cramped, it didn't help at all. Definitely was a huge struggle for me to get through that first set.

    The 2nd set the place was full so all the bodies helped to deaden the ambience and the drums came down, which brought my guitar back into my ear mix and I enjoyed myself so much more. :lol: :LOL:

    Had a guy who is a real tube amp purist comment that he thought it sounded great...the best by any "modeller" he's heard. Next gig in a month at a casino where I shouldn't have these issues.

    Edit: One thing I did notice was while changing patches/rigs. There was always a slight gain rush. What I mean by that, when I click from one preset to another, the gain on the new preset isn't instant...there's like a quick buildup. I don't think it's noticeable to the audience but I definitely hear it. Anyone else experience this?