Clipping noise when ever i re-amp.. Help would be really appreciated! :-)

  • Hey! I just got my kemper today and it's AWESOME!
    Running it via SPIDIF to my saffire pro 40, no problems at all!

    However i'm trying to re-amp now and i'm not losing any tone or anything.. the sounds still great.. just that i have this clicking noise in the background now and again and i have no idea how to go about getting rid of it!
    Nothing was clipping when i tracked and nothing is clipping in my DAW or on the Kemper itself

    The Chain i'm using is
    Logic/DI track > output 5 on the saffire > Countryman DI box (I also tried without the DI box and it made no difference) > Front of Kemper > Out of kemper via SPDIF > SPDIF of the saffire pro 40 and back into logic.

    I've drop boxed a little clip so you can hear what i'm getting...

    Here's a picture of my routing out mix control

    Any ideas what i might be doing wrong?
    Thanks guys! (By the way this is my first post!) Many more to follow i'm sure! (Hopefully none more of me having issues haha!)

  • You need to set the daw to sync to the kemper on the spdif, it looks like you have it set to internal

    Mainly my own built valve amps and Kemper