Question: how do you measure dB for solo volume?

  • Ok, what kept me from trying the Kemper live was having pitch shifting effects, specifically the whammy. Now that's sorted. Yesterday I went through my favourite presets, cleaned out the leftovers and set the Kemper up with the Uno chipped Behringer board. Now, I'll give the Kemper a few rounds onstage, comparing it to my Axe 2.

    A couple of questions:

    1) I depend on giving the unit a 3dB boost for solos (and cleaner stuff with the guitar volume rolled off). Are there clever ways of measuring the difference btw e.g. two settings on the volume pedal in dB? Right now, I program the Kemper to start with some volume with the volume pedal in the heel position, and by pushing the pedal to the toe position, it's full volume. But getting the difference btw the two levels correct is a matter of trial and error live. This might be ok, but I'd like to have more control.

    2) Are there any clever ways of giving the Kemper a bump for solos, other than assigning a valuable fx slot for a pure boost? I'm using my volume pedal for this, but do you do this?


  • why not use a separate rig for solos. same rig, only a bit louder?

    That's what many seem to do, and it might be a good solution for me too. However, I like to have 3dB extra for every patch or profile I use, and it will be a hassle to always have to make a copy, only 3dB up. Not to mention if I do changes (often on the fly) to a patch/profile I will have to update it's louder twin accordingly. Much easier with a general volume boost, imho. On the Axe, I assign a neutral filter at the very end of the chain to a cc and a switch.

  • I program the Kemper to start with some volume with the volume pedal in the heel position, and by pushing the pedal to the toe position, it's full volume.

    I have my volume pedal in the middle position for "normal" loudness (mf = mezzoforte). The heel position is not really silence but very, very silent. (This helps for a more precise pedal range.) And the loud stuff (ff = fortissimo, i.e. "solos") is all above that, so that toe down is maximum earthquake and I use it only for very special situations a few times in a gig.

    But getting the difference btw the two levels correct is a matter of trial and error live.

    No, it's a matter of practice. And it is worth to work on it because once you have it right it gives you much more musical dynamics than just switching pre programmed dB steps.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • You can also setup a boost of 3 dB in the X slot.
    Otherwise a simple dB meter should give you rough information.
    I have a useful app for this on my iPhone.

    Yeah, boost in the x slot is an obvious way of doing it, but I'd hoped that I could save the slots for other effects, even though it might not become a problem.

  • I always use a duplicate rig for solos- reason being that for solos I add a touch of gain, volume, and delay.
    So I need 3 things to happen all at once, and for me there is no other way to achieve this without switching rigs.
    It's so fast that I have never had a problem in the 4 shows I have done with the Kemper so far.

  • Are there any clever ways of giving the Kemper a bump for solos, other than assigning a valuable fx slot for a pure boost? I'm using my volume pedal for this, but do you do this?

    Here is an analog solution: theoretically it is possible to daisychain expression pedals. So you could build yourself a box with a pot and a switch that takes the pot in or out of the circuit. Then you chain this to your volume pedal. It is easily done with the insert cable setup but certainly can also be done with the TRS-expression-pedal setup.

    The result would be you have a Solo Switch in the box next to your volume pedal that precisely shifts the setting of your volume pedal.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • In order to get a boost for solos, I typically drink four to five beers. That's the best advice I've got. If it doesn't work for you, just keep adding more until the desired effect is achieved.

    Works wonders for soloing, but it's a pain in the ass for driving home after a gig with a lot of lead work.

    Instead of wasting space on the Kemper for a boost, I'll grab a taxi. Wonderful solution.