I'm overwhelmed...

  • Hello everybody,

    I still have to complete to browse all the messages in the forums, so maybe this topic has been yet discussed in some way, but oh boy, there are lots and lots of profiles and settings to exchange out there!
    That's good for sharing knowledge, but a bit dispersive for people like me (I'm in the "old fart" club) that looks for the best emulation of the couple of amps he needs...

    I'ts almost like when back in the day I got into the Line6 POD... and stopped exchanging sounds, due to the amount of crappy sounds (for my personal taste, nothing again exchange enthusiasm) I found and the time needed to test any of them.

    So this brings me a question:
    (Talking a bit computer-ish now, forgive me...) Could theoretically be feasable some kind of screening software that reads a profile file, and higlight any parameter value (non need to disclose any algorithm or internals) out of a certain range, so that it can be taken as an indicator? I think to any value too high o too low, or value range (min-max) too wide or too narrow...
    Anything in brief (you at Kemper know what and where to look at) that says "boy, this could be good, but there's something unbalanced... "

    if you see what i mean.. :)

  • I don't think that would help, the internal parameters says nothing if not in the context of the amp that has been profiled. Without considering that almost everyone do tweak the profiles and lot of us (including me) add pre or post eq.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff