• Sorry for the post that I am sure is covered somewhere but as a novice midi guy (thought I was smarter been doing midi since the 80's) I can't understand all the discussion here about the FCB1010 interfacing with the Kemper. I am steadily getting frustrated :cursing: ?( Soooo I tucked my tail and decided to take the abuse and ask someone to lay it out for me, please in layman terms. 8)
    I am simply going to label out a few rigs as my performance rigs and switch through them with the FCB1010. I do want a WAH and a lead volume though. I have it out of the box stock of course switching through the rigs no problem, but after calibrating the pedals as instructed after reading I still get nothing out of them.
    Is everyone really telling me without a chip the exp pedals will not work out of the box?



    Or do I need to turn on/or change something in the Kemper as well??


    I've read and read but don't know if I'm reading repeats updates incorrect post outdated post or what I just don't get it.


    Again sorry for being so dense just need to kick off 6 months of rehearsals for a big gig Thursday night and would like not have to show up without it working since there has been so much build up amongst the boys.:D

    Thanks in advance for anything

  • Thanks for the quick reply. So if I want the Volume and Wah for each rig on tap I must have it changed to cc#1 and cc#7 on button 00, 01, 02, 03 and so on correct? For every Rig in other words.
    Next question if I am setting this up through FCB1010 MIDI EDITOR how do I get it over to the physical floorboard from my laptop when the FCB only has midi ports?

  • Thanks for the direction grabbing my interface from the studio (knew I should have grabbed it Friday X( ) and starting tomorrow...fingers crossed.
    I will say this forum has great response and very warm welcomes!!