"SPDIF Cab Off" function for Stereo Monitoring with Guitar Cabs

  • The request:
    It would be super helpful if you guys could add a "SPDIF Cab Off", e.g. in the output menu on page five which works just as the "Monitor Cab Off" function on page three but applies to the SPDIF out.

    Dear Kemper-Team, do you think that would be possible in the near future?

    Why is that useful?
    I am running my Kemper through a stereo FX unit via SPDIF out, which is
    followed by a guitar power amplifier and Stereo Cabs for monitoring. Currently, I cannot use the Cabs simulator for the main out simultaniously with my stereo monitors.

    Appeal regarding the discussion:
    As I read related threads in this forum on the merits and drawbacks of stereo monitoring, which distracted from the original question, I would ask you guys to please not comment on the principle use of it in this thread. Thanks for your understanding!

    Best regards,
