New user setup help

  • Hi all! Just got my Kemper plugged it up to my Duet 2 and monitoring in Logic.

    I hear the guitar but when I browse through the profiles and adjust the gain
    and eq settings there is no change in sound. Am I missing something obvious?
    Sorry for the noob question. Thanks

  • Hey rtb,
    I have pretty much the same setup as you. Not sure I understand the problem... The changes in sound between profiles and gain should be very obvious... Did you try headphones direct from the Kemper to hear its the same behaviour as with your Duet/Logic setup ?

    And Welcome of course !!!

  • Ok yeah the output was set to stack so that's why I wasn't hearing any change in tone.

    Is it necessary add any gain from the Duets preamps or just keep it at zero?
    Or just use the Kemper volume? I have 500 series pres as well.

  • Hello rtb,

    On the Duet2 I am using the '+4dBu' type of inputs so I don't have to control the sound level. This basically leaves me to adjust the volume I want with the Kemper only.
    In a mix with Logic, I usually monitor my input signal roughly around -18dB in Agogee Maestro.

    Not in a mix of course it's to your taste making sure not to clip the inputs even though they have what Apogee calls "Soft Limit". Soft Limit works fairly well when there is some clipping but I do prefer when there is no clipping rather than to rely on some compromise induced by the Soft Limit.
