Powerrack version with rebate - release date?

  • Hi,

    Has there been any update on the availability of the poweramp versions of the lunchboxes along with the rebate program for screwed over "early adopters"?

    Still a bit cheesed that I cant just send mine back to be retro fitted, and that I now need to try to sell my existing KPA first before getting the poweramp version. More of a hassle in the long run and its getting even harder and harder to try to get people to part with the levels of cash that I would want for mine (at least e1250 considering I pad e1550).
    People just want to trade for other gear mostly these days... very hard to get the cash...

  • So no news on this yet? If we have until the end of the year to avail of the rebate (as per the press release), it doesn't seem to offer us he full extent of the time if we dont have and idea on when we can avail of it...

    Ie, it would be fairly underhand if this were to only be available come November / December ... (unlikely, but just using this as an example)

  • I'm more interested to hear what actually causes the delay. Kemper must have been pretty sure that the powered version can be available pretty soon, when they announced the rabat coupon possibility. It' s a bit annoying, because I still need to sell my unpowered version, and don't know when and I'm afraid I'm loosing more money...