I'm getting the best guitar tone I've ever gotten

  • I'm having a blast with this thing. I love my "Ceriatone OTS50 v3 Daddo" profile so much I barely turn it off. Here it is by itself (first lead run) and then being driven by a BK Butler Tube Driver, one of the new ones he makes with the bias knob (the other two lead runs).

    I'm running the Kemper through a Behringer powered PA cab (along with vocals), the one with a 15" woofer. We used one binaural dummy head mic (homemade) to mic the whole room. If you're listening via iTunes, turn the audio enhancer on, it helps. I think the mic elements I used don't have enough highs.

    The recorder was set a little hot (especially for the drums) but hey it was just a rehearsal. :)
