Posts by CaseyCayce

    if you are doing it in RM it is even easier. Just open the rig you want to copy from and drag the Amp section to the preset window.

    Thanks for trying, but that's not possible. The only "Presets" window I see is the one that's exposed when the Amp section/module is right-clicked . Where is the "Preset Window" you're referring to in the Rig Manager?

    If this sounds familiar, it's because I tried getting an answer to the same question back in July, with no luck. I was advised to go sit on the toilet and read the manual. The closest thing this absurdly, incompetently written manual comes close to is on page 80, "Browsing Amps and Cabinets," and fails miserably to outline the process. What I need to do should be simple: There is a list of amp presets in the profiler. I need to add amps to that list so I can select and bring them into the rig I'm developing the the Rig Manager.

    If I sound frustrated it's because I am... I had to give up the last time, spent three hours again today trying to make this happen, and it won't. I need a step-by-step explanation, the way a decent manual would lay it out. If anyone knows how to do that, it would be hugely appreciated. I've constructed my process on an attachment to show where I've been, and what I've tried.


    You can store the amplifier section from any rig as a preset. Click on the rig rig in rig manager, while the Profiler is connected. Drag and drop The amplifier section of the rig into the “All Presets/My Profiler” folder. You have just created a new amplifier preset.

    That's a no-brainer and not the preset I was needing info on.

    Hey, MusicMad...

    When I try that I get two options: "Amp Module" and "Entire Rig".

    Not wanting "Entire Rig" I select "Amp Module"

    I gives me the screen to rename the amp, which I leave as is for now.

    Hit "Store" again and I get clipboard options of "Copy Amp" and "Paste Amp".

    I select "Copy Amp". Now the amp is apparently on the clipboard.

    Not knowing what to do from here, I hit "Store" again, and get the clipboard options, selecting "Paste" this time.

    Go to Rig Manager, check the Amp Presets list and—OMG!—it's in there.

    What I need to know now is how to get unwanted amps OFF of that preset list.

    Thanks so much for getting back to me on this one, MusicMad... you made it happen.

    I posted earlier looking for information on how to do this, got a single response that turned out to be worthless, and have spent much of the time since trying to find the answer on my own, with no luck. This seems to be an obscure item. Kemper has nothing on it. I could watch a day's worth of Tone Junkie videos hoping he'll mention it, but don't have a day to spend. If someone knows how to save an amplifier as a preset, I need to know. I'm talking about adding an amp as a preset to the list shown below. The response I got on the last post said, "go to the AMPLIFIER module and save the amp as a preset." There's no option for doing that that I can find.

    If you're up for it, please give EXACT instructions. Don't leave out some vital bit of information that makes the whole thing happen. I've had this Kemper about 48 hours, so assume I don't know my way around this obscure, labyrinthine maze of procedures.



    Not seeing anything in the Rig Manager as an "AMPLIFIER" module, I'm assuming you mean the "Amplifier" button in the upper middle Stack section with the EQ & Cabinet elements. Selecting that "Amplifier" button, in Browser mode, I'm not seeing anything suggesting I could save the current as a preset. I see options for "All Rigs", "Sorted by Name", and "Save Snapshot", but that's it.

    Hey, Kemper Forum;

    I just got my powered Kemper a couple of days ago—yet another new guy in the mix—ordered through British Audio, with the Stereo Mod, and have been exploring, applying everything I've learned from a variety of sources on YouTube and elsewhere. I ran into something last night, though, that I haven't found any info on, and need to ask about. I was in a rig preset in the Rig Manager, one with a fairly complicated effects arrangement, and wanted to swap out the amp, see how it would sound with a HiWatt. I right-clicked into the Amplifier button in the control area expecting to see an array of amps to choose from, but found only 8, only three of which I recognized: 2 Mesa Boogie and a Marshall 50 watt (see attachment). I was surprised at such a short list. So, my two questions are:

    1: Is there a way to add amps to that Rig Manager Amplifier list?

    2: If I have a rig profile with a complex effects setup and want to swap out only the amp, how would I do that?



    Sorry to bother with what might seem an obvious question, but need to confirm (new to the Land of Kemper). Of the rack-mount profilers, one will have "Profiler" on the front, above the "TAP" button, where the other will have "Profiling Amplifier." Am I correct that "Profiler" is the non-powered version, where "Profiling Amplifier" is powered?

    The reason I'm asking is that I've got the "Profiling Amplifier" version and, if it's powered by 600 watts, how is it not blowing apart the preamp interface I've got it plugged into to go into my DAW (connected using the unbalanced main outs)?


    I've read through the backup and restore sections of the user manual and am not seeing anything on restoring individual rigs or profiles from a backup. When I go through the restore process in the Rig Manager, target my backup file, I get an alert, "Restoring a backup will overwrite all your Local Library data. Do you want to continue?" What if I want only a singular rig/profile from the backup?
