Posts by ozosbourne

    could you just put the Stage on the floor at home and use Rig Manager on a computer or ipad to make any changes without bending down?Even if Rick Manager was used, the designation of the Stormbox switch had to be done on the stage. So I imagined that it would be nice to have another remote.

    And whenever I change the preset, it's uncomfortable to let go of the guitar and reach out and press the switch


    Unfortunately, stage does not have a poe port. Only midi in out port exists.

    Is there any way to connect the remote using the midin/out port?

    I want innovative ideas.

    I got inspiration from bomebox and rtp-midi. I don't know if that's possible.

    Currently, I only have the stage, and if possible, I would like to buy a remote and connecting device.

    During the performance, you only carry the stage, and at home, stage on the desk, remote on the floor...

    I'm an intervertebral disc herniation. So there's a lot of trouble looking down, or bending down.

    I wish many people creative ideas and challenges.

    Thank you