Posts by MadH

    Have you tried the different cabs on the Kemper, or Tyler's cabs?

    What do you think of them, how you they feel and sound?

    Yes, I tried different combinations, but I don't understand how that is related to my question.

    I just would like to know if the KPA is using IRs for the cabs or not and how long they are. It is a technical question. That's all. I am not interested in the debate on how good they sound or feel and even less in making this another KPA vs Axe FX thread.

    Hasn't Cliff already answered this question?

    Why not send Mr Kemper an e mail and ask all your questions at the same time?

    Did you know the very first Line 6 Pod 1 used IRs?

    I thought this was the "Questions and answers about Kemper Profiling Amp" forum section. So probably it is the right place to ask these questions don't you think? :D

    Also I don't consider a competitor as a reliable source of information.

    That's where you're wrong my friend! The Axe-FX forum is far worse than any other guitar product forum. I take it you have not been around the block much?

    Yes, that's what I've been saying. The problem is that they invested a fortune in the fact that the product is state of the art in every aspect. So naturally, there can be nothing else out there that is better. ;)

    That's bull! We don't have the censorship going on like over the Axe Forum. I have read threads over there that got deleted, just because users were stating their opinion. People have been banned because they dared to express their feelings about what is/was not perfect about the Axe. And I remember a post by Cliff calling his customers "indignant whiners". :thumbdown:

    I have been around in the forums for very long and I have seen it almost everywhere where there was a product that was the best of its kind for a period of time long enough to create the fan effect. A good example of this is Line 6 forums some years ago (I don't know how it is now). Another example could be Apple forums.

    As for the censorship, what do you expect to happen in a forum owned by the same company of the product you are talking about? I don't know if you thought about this but why do you think they decided to have a public and a private forum here?

    Please don't tell me what to say and what not to say...thanks.

    I am not telling you what to say or not. It is up to you, but if you make comments like that it does not help you to make your point. Anway lets get back to the topic.

    This is the truth, but they can't see it, they ARE a bunch of brainwashed clan members, it's pathetic.

    lol, the hilarious part of it all is that every guitarist who has owned both the Axe-FX11 and Kemper has sold the Axe-FX11, clearly the fidelity quality of the Kemper is far greater than the Axe-FX11...perhaps Cliff should try figure out where he went wrong, he abandoned the wrong ship. :D

    Not everybody has sold it. If you don't want to make this forum the same as the other forums it is better not to start making comments like that.

    Anyway, please Kemper people inform us!!!!

    The Axe-fx forum is a place I stay away from. Total censorship ruled by a bunch of snobs and a lot of mindless followers! I love how Cliff is the first to bash products by competitors on threads at TGP forum just based on specs alone (if a new product has a less state-of-the-art DSP than the AxeFx). Ever seen the movie "Bowfinger" where they have that "mindhead" organization? That's like Fractal Audio. :D

    The Axe-fx forum is like any other product forum. It is not better or worse. The problem is not the forum but a part of the people on the forums that just because they own the product they cannot accept that anything else is better or that the product they own is not perfect. Give it time and if the KPA succeeds it will happen the same thing here.

    As for bashing the competitor products the only safe way of doing it is using the specs and just based on that I don't think any other product will come close to the Axe Fx II. Having the best specs does not produce better results by default though since it is more important how you use what you have.

    I don't know if that information coming from Fractal Audio owner is true or not but I would like the people at Kemper to clarify if this is correct or not. Maybe I am wrong but by reading those comments I notice an attempt to demean the KPA.

    Anyway, personally I would like to know from Kemper (not a competitor) if the KPA is using IRs for the cabinets and how long they are.

    It would be an stupid move by Kemper to do not allow people to sell profiles as that would in the end limit the options for their users. I want to have the option of acquiring profiles done by pros/studios that would not normally do them unless they can get paid for it.

    Agree. Bad taste or not, everybody can decide to buy or not to buy. So far no problem.

    Maybe my english is to bad for you to understand my question:
    Where can I read the license or contract BEFORE I buy the profiles from Armin? (We have some rules for online trading in the EU)

    Armin can't or will not answer this specific question and his online shop is far away from EU legality.

    If someone is selling something online like this and want to be well protected obviously that person should do things the proper way. If not then he will probably have it difficult to claim anything later but that is not our problem. As a customer you have the right to know what you are paying for before you pay for it. If it is not clear 100% I would avoid buying it.

    I'm not considering that unfair, but i think that the people who charge for profiles will be trying to protect their profiles from sharing by compromising the KPA software, and here things get nasty.

    I've got no problem with somebody who charges for profiles, as long as free sharing is still possible.

    The point is that you are not who decides free sharing if you are not the author and you should not have a problem with that. If your concern is the KPA software, I would not worry about it since the users have no control over it. If you decide to sell and protect by copyright your profiles at the end it is up to you, the author, to take care of that not Kemper and the only thing you could do is sue anyone that violates the terms of use.

    Ok, first of all don't confuse Open Source with user generated content. KPA is not Open Source since we don't have access to the source code of any part of the software running on it. KPA relays in user generated content but that does not mean that it has to be free or that the author of that content has no rights over it.

    I will give you an example of other devices using user generated content. Imagine you buy a sampler. You will find samples or sample libraries that are free and some others that are not. And when you buy those, they are subject to copyrights and to the terms of use that you accept when you purchase them. The terms of use are defined by the author and usually do not allow sharing or reproduction (copy) of the whole or any part of it. So you can yo read these things before you buy and id you don't agree don't buy it.

    You are free to do with the profiles you created whatever you want. Even if you consider unfair that somebody charges for something that you give for free, it is not unfair. What would not be fair is that you impose your way to some else just because you want to do things different. Imagine most people would make available their music for free, would you loose your right to sell your own music because of that?

    Me personally, I have the same view as you. I am going to share my profiles for free as I have always done with patches of other devices but I respect if someone else decides to go the other way because they have the same right as I do to do whatever they decide with their work.

    I see it simple. If you want Armin profiles just pay for them. If you don't want to pay for profiles just use the ones available for free or create your own. It is that simple. He has the right to sell whatever he wants to sell as long as he is the author of it. If you buy them you are allowed to use them in the way the author authorizes you. This is the same thing for IR files, sample libraries, patches libraries, etc...

    I don´t understand why is it so hard for people to understand that just because it is easy to make a copy of something that does not give you the right to get it for free or share it and don't pay anything to the author.