Posts by GuyTarero


    A long time ago, i started to write a tag editor , some notes can be found here :
    it was simply providing a way to edit tags from rig files, waiting for a more complete product from the mothership, but as I got almost no feedback about building a platform independent installation package, i stopped its development.
    Like Armin said, it's a lot of work

    More information can be found in an old thread called "Basic Rig Tags Extractor/Editor" in the "Introduce Yourself" part of the public forum.

    Laurent :)


    Here is a description of the problem i'm facing. If this is a known problem, please let me know.

    OS version : Public Beta

    When in "Browse mode", hit "System" button, go to page 5/9
    When turning slightly the MIDI PrgChg button to go from program N to program N+1, it sometimes fails.

    The displayed value for MIDI PrgChg# and PrgChg# fields start to oscillate.
    The leds on the front panel switch on/off accordingly to the displayed "PrgChg#" fields

    It is as if the button was bouncing

    It does not happen systematically, i have no external midi device (or other) connected to the KPA.

    Thanks to let me know if some of you could reproduce and/or solve this issue.



    Excuse me if this was already asked : is it possible to browse rigs depending on their midi program number ( with no external midi controler connected ) ? If the answer is yes, how is it possible ?

    Thanks so much for your feedback,


    By the way, there are some tags in rigs such as mic type (hb, sc, active,...) , amp year,...
    Is it possible to add them in the browsing capabilities ?

    Browse by mic type ?
    Browse by amp year ?


    A short answer : if you already performed some midi assignments, at the root of a backup, you should find a file "MIdiAssignments.xml
    You can edit it, change program numbers.

    It is an xml file, and thus can be edited, the lines look the following one :

    <slot num="7" name="">{DOCUMENTS}/KemperAmp/Rigs/Fischers Sold 100 - 2011-10-07 17-03-42.kipr</slot>

    Here "7" is the program number, and "Fischers Sold 100 - 2011-10-07 17-03-42.kipr" is the associated rig.

    So if XX is the midi program number and YY is the rig file name you can add the following line in this file :

    <slot num="XX" name="">{DOCUMENTS}/KemperAmp/Rigs/YY.kipr</slot>

    I noticed that when restoring the factory rigs , such a file is created, it can be used as a starting point.

    I personally have several files like this one (rock.xml, heavy.xml, clean.xml, crunch.xml) .
    If I want to have only clean rigs part of the midi assignments, i copy clean.xml to MidiAssignments.xml in the backup root directory, then i restore the backup, that's all

    I hope this can help,

    You can modify this file on your PC/Mac but you need to :

    - first perform a backup of the kpa
    - edit this backup to extract the existing MidiAssignments.xml file ,
    - modify this file
    - replace the old one by the modified one.
    - save the backup
    - restore it to the kpa.

    As you can see it is not a plug and play thing.

    If there is no existing MidiAssignments.xml in the backup, it is necessary to perform (by hand) at least one program change assignment so that a file will be created. Then you can edit , modify it.

    Each data line of this file lokks like the following one :

    <slot num="12" name="">{DOCUMENTS}/KemperAmp/Rigs/Fischers Xtacy5 - 2011-10-07 17-01-10.kipr</slot>

    num="..." contains the slot or program number
    name="..." contains the path to the corresponding rig(here, "Fischers Xtacy5 - 2011-10-07 17-01-10.kipr")

    I hope this can help,


    Some months ago, while writing a tag editor in python for my mac, i noticed that at the root of a backup, there is a file called MidiAssignments.xml (or something like this) that contains midi program changes.

    when deleting all rigs from the backup, this .xml file should also be deleted(when existing)

    By the way, I personally have several MidiAssignments.xml files corresponding to several configurations I may use ( rock, heavy, pop). I use this file to
    arrange rigs the way i want, some kind of personal performance mode.

    It is a text file so that it can be modified provided that the xml syntax is respected.


    From my side, to edit tags, I use a tool I wrote some months ago (not very friendly and easy to install).
    It allows me to edit tags, generate some excel sheets from them that I can sort/filter.

    It can be found in the public part of the forum, in "Introduce Yourself" section, in a thread called "Basic Rig tags Extractor/Editor"

    There is a description here :


    I read in a thread that Kemper folks work on an editor but there is no release date

    Hi waraba and All,

    From my side, I also stopped the development of this tool because:
    1 - I could get a KPA so that I spend my whole free time playing the guitar
    2 - The lack of feedback . Not very encouraging to ask for never coming feedback ( a few members in my case compared to several thousands of visits)
    3 - I read in a thread that Kemper guys develop an editor (no release date given)

    That's all for me, in the case you are interested, you should be able to find a link to the last version of the tool into the "Introduce Yourself" part of the Forum
    By searching "tag inspector" or "tag editor" , you should find it.

    Going back to play my guitar,