Posts by bshaw92

    I have a curiosity question if anyone has made adjustments and wants to chime in... I know the gain control follows its own gain stage as CK has indicated, but I am wondering if adjusting a profile that had more gain to a lower gain tends to present a more accurate "rig" of the actual amp profiled. As an example there are some amps I cannot profile, but the profiles provided are fine. I want to have the same amp profile but with less gain.. I cannot profile the amp at the lower gain to compare so I'm curious if lowering the gain knob tends to produce a closer representation of the actual amp. When going the opposite direction (increasing the gain) it does not pending the gain stages on the actual amp, but I'm hearing the character of the amp still if I do lower it. This is just a curiosity question more than anything.

    Also while running monitor out set your EHX up to the level where you do not get it distorting then use your kemper master volume control to control your monitor out volume which will drive your EHX/speaker. The speaker choice is up to you as that will be your monitor sound you prefer. I tried the setup with a crate powerblock (using line in) and a 2x12 with (1) V30 and (1) H30. You just want to make sure you are not overdriving the EHX otherwise you will be making adjsutments to your rig that will sound differently in the house.

    Once you have you rig volumes set do not change them. Change the volume to the main through the main ouput via theoutput button. All mixers will hhave variations but you can get there without changing your other values. I've done this almost every new update even though I change nothing on my rig volumes.


    I like the EV stuff as well....but doesn't it have a 15" driver? Doesn't that make things a bit muddier, especially with the drop-tuned, heavier sounds? I've tried several, and that is what I have found. Again, though...everyone hears things differently.

    It is a 15" but with the full range it really doesn't make it muddy. I would try a 15" side by side with a 12" for comparison. The benefit I find with the 15" is that you get the bottom end you would with a 12" cabinet but you also get the higher freq. with little to no compromising. With a 12" (which works fine as well) the bass is not as pronounced as the range the speaker puts out is higher. A 12" guitar cabinet does not have the higher freq. to blend with. After trying these options I can say that all work well and you just have to see what you like and what you want to spend. Just be louder than the drummer no matter what your choice is :D

    I was informed that it will not come through the monitor output but only through the mains. I tested it and it was coming through the main outputs.

    I have the Alto TSA112 and an EVSxa250. I had the Alto first and thought since a guitar cabinet is 12" I would go with that size. It does a good job especially for the price. I got a deal on the EV's and so I bought them. Based on the comparison I was able to do (I've used a Tech 21 poweramp, Crate powerblock with guitar cabinet, Alto, EV, QSC, Powerblock through FRFR stage monitor) I found the 15" gave me more range and better bottom end clarity. Really depending on what you are after and your cashflow it becomes personal preference. You might try the Alto 15" for comparison but I don't think you will go wrong with any of the choices.

    I have a two part issue to resolve.

    1.) When the new release came out I used the aux in for playing MP3/Cd's. It then stopped working. I've checked my aux volume, cables etc.. yet the loop works for my delay (Flashback X4) which brings me to the next question.

    2.) The Flashback X 4 has a looper. When using the delay through the loop (after amp) it appears to work fine. When I switch to the looper on the flashback it sounds as if it is in a box. This did not occur before the 1.6 beta and public release.

    Maybe they are related I don't know. If anyone has an idea of something to try let me know.

    Has anyone received official notification from Kemper on the changes from Beta to Public release? They typically have a list of items that have changed when releasing, but the information is the, the assumption is that it has not changed and only the stability has been proven and released as an official public release. If anyone can confirm this it would be appreciated.

    Start with Marshall Golub, Plexi's cranked or the Soldano SLO Lead. Online they say they use Marshall Super Lead, Plexi JTM45 so that should get you in the ballpark. It is a finished song so pulling a specific guitar out of the mix will be your perspective but at least you will have a start...

    The Camplifier would work but the price range is still too high. You can get a powered FRFR not to mention a used one including EV and other high end for $200-$400. The camplifier would require you to have a monitor or speaker cabinet as well so you would be in a similar boat as just getting an FRFR. I'd love to get one if they were ~$200-$300 as it would make the head a complete package but there are too many other options that are priced better that will achieve the results. Rack people will also have too many other options to warrant $700++. If anyone knows of other sources even if it is a build your own please let me know. I would order the camplifier in a heart beat if the price were more in line with alternative solutions. There will be other options once the units have time on the market.

    $2060.00 - Rack
    $2791.00 - Powered Rack

    Would it be correct to assume the powered amp for the head to be the same difference ?? ~$730.00. Seems very expensive for a power amp solution. Any inside information available? I am looking at getting another powered FRFR but would love to have a power supply bolted in the back of the head as a complete unit.......not at $700.00+ though.