Posts by tms9

    Thanks for the comments, I'll check out the WikPA. As for the manuals, I have read them, and found them to have some large gaps. If my question is addressed in either of the manuals, I'd be glad to have a page reference. Could be I just missed it.

    I'm relatively new to the Kemper, and am trying to understand how cabinet profiles work.

    I gather that when profiling a new amp and specifiying both an amp name and cabinet name, the software is able to create a cabinet profile as well as an amp profile, and that this cabinet profile may then be applied to other rigs (which were originally profiled with a different cabinet). Is that correct so far?

    If so, my question is this: when one profiles a second amp through the same cabinet, is the original cabinet profile overwritten, or is it refined in light of the information from the new profiling session?