Posts by archverb

    I know where you come from, but this is not true for me. For me, intention is still the most important thing in human relationships.
    I don't know of many firms where the boss himself calls at your office time, except Matrix Amps.
    Tom spent half an hour with me on the phone the last time alone, for free, and he's nothing to sell me. I had his time for free, more than once.
    Of course I am not pushing anyone to praise him or love him, it's just the way I feel :)

    It 'nice to have something to do find availability and passion of the manufacturer (when Ted Weber was alive impressed me for this)

    I think it's the key when I interact with the craftsmen (such as Mr.Tabacco here in Rome ;) ); but for a product manufactured in China, that proved not without its problems, imho, I think it essential to have a good and timely assistance.

    Non mi è chiara quale possa essere una situazione in cui occorra così tanta potenza, rimanendo al di fuori del PA. Credo che nel caso in cui la potenza necessaria per ottenere un buon ascolto superi un certo limite, quando cioè tradizionalmente occorreva microfonare gli ampli, non si possa prescindere da un controllo generale.

    Mi è difficile pensare ad uno strumento che spara per suo conto, da una propria fonte 4-500 Watt verso il pubblico, indipendentemente da tutti gli altri. Del resto non è assolutamente soltanto una questione di potenza, ma anche e soprattutto una questione di adeguata diffusione acustica; per questo anche ampli di potenza mostruosa (ricordate i famosi muri di Marshall?) son sempre stati "imbrigliati" e poi ripresi con i mic.

    Insomma quanto sopra mi pare un passo indietro rispetto alle possibilità offerte dal KPA . :)

    I have both. and I think they are complementary
    LazyJ is very tweed style, with typical wonderful crunch.
    I think it is especially suited to single coil.
    With the Fender kit, always great with the single, instead you can find excellent solutions even with the HB.
    Both excellent!

    For now, I've been playing your new rigs only with the Telecaster, and my impression is that keeping them totally dry, with eq. Off and Efx Stereo Widener Off, they sound much better.

    Thank you for your time.

    Ok, you have to be more specific.....

    I was referring to the volumes of the profiles and not to those you have chosen for the amplifier, which I think are excellent.
    The results are not always in relation to the volumes of the amplifier, eg. 2.3 swart sounds stronger than the swart 3.0, and 5.0 stronger than 6.0.
    It almost seems that the profiling return level is not constant for all profiles.

    A good way to avoid phase cancellation, is to move the mics until you find the highest cancellation,
    it is much easier to find the maximum cancellation that not the slightest.
    After enough to invert the phase of one of the two mic on the mixer or on the daw ;)

    Great amps!
    I think there is a problem with the volumes of miking of the various rigs, especially the swart:
    do not have the right progression, I think they're pretty random.

    Thanks anyway for your work :)