Posts by EmpireNine

    No offense, but anyone buying a product based on potential future updates is doing it wrong. While I get your frustration to some degree, I think you're off base here.

    At the time of purchase, why would anyone have thought any different though? That's what customers were told. The big hole is where the future upgrade for the power amp goes right? What about the customers who can't afford it at the time, who wanted to upgrade later?

    It's nice to have a choice.

    As a consequence, my head isn't upgradeable anymore, has lost it's second-hand value and the only customer path is a convoluted rebate.

    Again, I'm sticking with it and love what it does. I just think (rather obviously) this could have been handled a lot, lot better.

    That's great, but again the issue is not the amount of rigs (hopefully made more manageable by a librarian), but the amount of space left available for updates and whether the product will be comprised as has been done with early adopters who thought they could add a power amp.

    I can forgive performance mode, undo/redo - ok I will wait. Customers buying products on the assumption it will do what they need later (upgrade the power amp) is the real issue here.

    If they couldn't foresee about problems adding a power amp, what makes everyone so sure there is enough space left to upgrade it efficiently in the future too? Already there are compromises with each update and the rack version has only started shipping.

    I would happily be proven wrong, but it's just a bit worrying that's all :)

    I suspect that no one at Kemper expected the number of profiles that have actually been accumulated. And seriously, 1000 profiles is more than a lot. Personally, this is no limitation at all. I find that a handful of rigs is all I can realistically use in a live performance. Just my opinion.

    It's not the 1000 rig limit that I am worried about - it's more each profile is what 4KB? We are already having to reduce the rig limit to allow for software updates. Just how much is really left for future updates and what that lack of foresight will do for the future before we have to upgrade again because of the tiny amount of space left on the unit?

    I don't know, it may be all fine, but after the power-amp issue I'm just wondering how it will work in the future.

    Thanks for letting us know the deal, but it is literally so much hassle that I assume most people won't bother.

    The main issue of early adopters is the value of a non-powered version has taken an extra knock because of the very reason you are trying to sell it - you can't add a power amp to it anymore.

    Again, I am sticking with this product, but for most companies and customers this kinda stuff would just not wash. It was a silly example maybe, but again, trying to explain this to the various bands/guitarists that have not seen the Kemper before gets a bit frustrating.

    So there's a big hole, where you were supposed to add a power-amp, you can't do that anymore. What does this dial do? Oh that doesn't work either, and those two buttons on the face? No, they don't work either.

    The advantages that were listed - I literally do not see anything that would benefit me or anyone much.

    Having to downgrade the rig limit because of a software update tells me that there should have been more thought about the OS space and how it would affect future updates. People are still asking about core features, yet already we are having to make more space for software updates.

    To be told your £1300+ unit is no longer getting the power-amp you needed is just very, very frustrating. Being told to sell it and buy it again is a bit of a liberty ;)

    I love my Kemper, but there is a constant feeling of being deflated at buying it sometimes. I went for the non-powered version because I thought ok, I will buy the power amp later.

    We was told you can upgrade it down the line. A little while later - sorry, you have to send it off, but it costs a fortune. Finally, we are told we can't upgrade at all and offered the most impractical rebate ever. Yeah, sell it and get another one and we will give you some money off. What a kick in the teeth for the early adopters.

    If I had known, I would have waited and bought the powered version - too late now. My Profiling Amp now has a gaping hole in the back where the power amp was meant to go.

    There are various little things that makes me worry about the vision of Kemper, as everyone has mentioned constantly, it feeling like an unfinished product. Simple things like undo/redo that have a popup telling you they are not working (I keep pressing this, expecting it to work), performance mode and finally having to reduce your rigs to fit in software updates - it just smacks of a lack of foresight, especially if you have only just bought into this.

    Again, I absolutely love the product - but there are these little things that could have been done a lot better. Having to explain this to people who I play and record music with is quite disheartening sometimes and ultimately with a product of this price shouldn't keep happening.

    Is the FX switch on the Mesa pedal supposed to switch between the Kemper Sound and the Mesa amp, so I can switch between them both?

    It currently does nothing.

    If I wish to go back to my Mesa amp sound, do I need to unplug the loop FX every time?


    Managed to get this working but it sounds very hissy or whistling on some profiles - any ideas what this is?

    Thanks for all your help. I realised I needed to plug into the Kemper with the guitar too and not into the Mesa ;)

    I have had a look and I am still not 100% sure how to do this, but can I run my Kemper through my Mesa Triple Rectifier which goes into a 4x12 cab?

    Can someone just give me the simple way to do this if possible? Will it be ok to run it this way or will it harm the Rectifier?

    Thanks for any advice.