Posts by Akkan

    +1 for a gui based rig editor. To see what i'm doing makes tweaking lot easier/comfortable for me.

    @ peto
    The editor looks really great but without effective bidirectional comunication between editor and KPA it's not the same like the gui based editor the 11R has. That's one thing Avid really made a great job.


    I still use the M-Audio C400 with PT10 and the KPA is connected via spdif. Under PT10 there is an option for low latency monitoring. I don't really know how it's called and i don't know if the option is also available in PT9. Maybe my ears aren't the best but i don't hear any noticeable latency by using C400 together with PT10. :huh:

    I think it would be awesome to change the stack position. Sometimes i don't need a pre stomp but two more post stomps. A total amount of 8 stomps is enough for me, but the possibility to have 8 pre stomps or 8 post stomps or anything in between would be great.
    Nevertheless i don't think they will change stack position in the future. The Kemper Team stated many times they want to keep the unit simple.
    Just a little dream... :rolleyes:

    I think it is a very nice and really interesting guitar. But i don't know if all possibilities are really noticeable for normal people (I don't mean the guitarist with headphones or in a studio situation). I have never tried some possibilities and don't know if there are big sound changes. For example are there big differences between neck + bridge single coil in serial mode and neck + bridge sc in paralel mode with the same guitar and same PU's? ?(
    Maybe it could be interesting to use the piezo sound together with a neck sc out of phase. In my opinion these versatility is a good solution if you play a two channel amp and need a wider sound spectrum, but with the KPA and his huge versatility it is a nice to have but not a really needed piece of gear. And in my opinion music man stuff is to expencive in europe. :love:

    Why not a small foot controller and some extra 'dumb extension boards' that can be hooked to the main controller?
    Different designs of these 'dumb extension boards' could then be developed with different combinations of extra switches, feedback (LED's, display,..), expression pedals, ... while the main controller stays the same.
    This would make the controller more expandible and therefore more easy to upgrade.

    +1 It would be a cool feature to have a basic footcontroller which could be upgraded with different attachments (with or without pedals...)


    Ich kenne das Rig Kontrol 3 nicht, aber so wie ich das sehe solltest du einfach vom Master Out (Kemper) in den Input (Rig Kontrol) gehen können. Also Gitarre -> Kemper -> Rig Kontrol -> Box/PC.

    Hi Kempi

    Das Erstellen einer Perfomance ist im Manual Addendum beschrieben. Leider nur auf Englisch, aber das ist eigentlich ganz leicht. Im Prinzip geht das wie bei den normalen Rigs auch. Einfach in der ersten Performance auf den freien Slot und mit dem Browse Knopf das passende Rig auswählen, welches du laden willst. Effekte und so weiter, wie bei den Rigs auch. Speichern nicht vergessen. Ansonsten einfach mal etwas rumspielen. Kannst ja nichts kaputt machen.

    I don't want to use a low quality preamp first and then a good quality preamp after. My question was to use the Kemper as good quality preamp only. The Kemper profiles most of the existing guitar amps and the question is has the Kemper the ability to profile a good studio mic preamp.
    It was great for a small homestudio to have the "legandary" mic preamps as a profile to record the vocals. The same as for guitar recordings.


    Has anyone ever used the Kemper with mic preamp profiles to record vocals via the Kemper?
    Is it possible to get better results with profiled studio preamps as the "cheaper" mic preamps in the audiointerface? I'm not sure if it's possible and efficient but there are some "legendary" studio preamps on the market and it could be valuable to have it in the Kemper just as some "legendary" guitar amps.

    Great clean sound.

    I use a Suhr Badger 30 Profile from Soundside, which is near to this clean tone depents on guitar and pickups.
    Armins Clean Dream Profile of this Amp is the greatest clean tone for me.


    My brother asked me to make a short cover of "Wake me up" from Avicii. I have made a slower Version without synths.

    all Guitars: Tokai Pink Paisley with JCM800 Profile from AmpFactory
    Bass: Warwick Fortress One with free Genz-Benz Profile from factory Content 2.0.1
    Drums: Superior Drummer 2.0
    Vocal Mic: t-bone SCT-800

    I hope you enjoy it. I'm not a guitar or mixing professional but i had a lot of fun during recording the song. The Kemper is an amazing tool!
