Posts by delichef

    One of my favorite profiles is the Tone King Galaxy. I did the survey and decided to pick up the other Tone King! They are just amazing...the Falcon is so ridiculously good (to me) and the Imperial and Metro are so much fun to play. I can't believe after playing hundreds of your other profiles that i'm still blown away by new profile purchases. Thank you!

    The up/down buttons are used to select which bank you are in on the midi moose. So hitting them has no effect on the kemper in performance mode. Assuming you are on song 1 patch 1, if you want to bring up song 3, patch 3...on the midi moose you'd rig up twice and the display flashes 10, then you'd hit the 3rd button and it goes to patch 13. This selects Song 3 patch 3 on the kemper.

    In Browser mode, you just assign the patches on the kemper to program changes 1-128 on the midi moose the way you'd expect.

    Edit to add my unsolicited opinion: I have the fcb1010 and the midi moose (plus some DIY footswitches for stomps). I really prefer the simplicity and footprint of the midi moose. If I was only switching between a handful of patches, the midi moose is perfect. That being said, FCB1010 with the uno chip has excellent functionality. It displays the song number when in performance mode so it's really a snap to navigate with. I may consider doing a rehouse of the fcb1010 to get the type of footswitches I prefer and get into smaller box...but i'm hoping we hear something from Kemper on the footcontroller that makes me not want to do this.

    I play a tele with single coils. I've been experimenting with distortion in the stomp slot and a Timmy and Tubescreamer in front of the Kemper. The green scream gets pretty close to my tubescreamer when I AB them, but I really wish there was a Bass/Treble OD like the Timmy in there. My current favorites from TAF:

    Overall Favorites:
    Toneking Galaxy Push (AF4)
    Gibson Bass Amp Cranked (Vintage and Rare)

    Matchless HC30 Push (AF1)
    Matchless DC30 Push (AF6)

    61 Super C1 Cln6+ (Fender Toolkit)
    58 Pro C3 Clean3 (Fender Toolkit)

    Marshall 1987x Clean+ (AF2)

    I'm sure this has already been requested, but it would be nice to have more flexibility about which functions I assign to pedal switches. I should be able to assign Delay / Tap Tempo to one for instance. Ideally, i'd be able to assign any combination of 2 functions I wanted to each pedal.

    Great tips! I've been trying to get down to 5 main "Amps"...which is more than i've ever owned at once, so you'd think it'd be easy. Then treating one profile from each of these amps as the primary setting (as if I had that real amp set to those controls sitting in front of me), then adding effects as if I had a pedal board for each one. This has been a huge help in trimming down the profiles! Turns out I don't need 300 flavors of fender amps. ;)

    I primarily play a Tele with single coils. The Pro and Super found in the toolkit are outstanding. The Lazyj 40 and 80 are both really good too, I was really surprised by these. I don't think you can make a mistake here. Ideally get both but if I had to choose knowing what I know now, i'd go with the Toolkit.

    As far as gain, I put a tube screamer in front of the Kemper and dialed up a sound I liked on the Pro. Then dropped the tube screamer model in one of the stomp slots and got it to sound really close. Then a few profiles later one of the higher gain profiles sounded great as well. So I felt like there was plenty there if needed. This is all subjective of course, but I didn't feel like the profiles or the tools were lacking to get there. ymmv.

    I really wanted to not buy this. I have enough profiles, blah blah blah. After some of these comments I just had to try it. I just spent like 2 hours playing the "58 Pro C1 Clean6+" on my tele. Wow! It just keeps getting better and better. Thank you for these!

    I don't think it's unique to this scenario but...

    0. View prefs are All Rigs / Sort By Name
    1. Take a snapshot of Profile A
    2. Scroll to some other random Profile B.
    3. Quick button navigate to snapshot of Profile A.
    4. Turn Browse knob.

    Result is that your location in the rig list is at random profile B. I expected to be at Profile A.

    After playing around a bit, I think adding a "multi-select" option in the Quick menu might be more interesting. Tapping the Quick button would present a "type" screen which would look like the current Browse Snapshots screen. You could scroll through a list, in this case "Amps" (possibly even use the softbuttons to change to a different "type" if needed, author for example). Once you selected an amp it would go to a rig screen where you could select from a filtered list of that amp type.

    ex. You have 30 amp types on your Kemper, and 10 Marshall 1987x profiles. In your default home screen, you hit Quick. Scroll through your 30 amp types and select "Marshall 1987x". Scroll through the 10 Marshall 1987x rig profiles and select the profile of choice. You are now back at your home screen with this rig selected. If you turn the browse knob, it should have this rig selected in whatever current sort type (by name, etc) is active.

    This type of selection could also work for Effects. Go to Stomp B. Hit Quick button. Select Stomp type, then scroll through presets for that type.

    Having to overload the title to communicate Brand of Amp, Model of Amp, Settings/Gain level leads to longer titles.

    - Ability to hide the box with Rig Creator and Mod date to increase the size of the viewable title area.
    - "Scroll to Browse Rigs" should also be able to "Scroll to Browse Amps" (perhaps only if the sort is set to "by amp"). This would allow you to quickly navigate to a grouping of a particular amp type without having to use the directional arrow keys. I would much rather scroll a list of 27 amps than the 250-ish rig names when sorted by amp.

    Hmm, hit this again tonight but in a way I haven't seen before. Had a FCB1010/U4K connected, pedals off in system menu. Was in performance mode going through various performances and slots within each. I went to a patch with only 4 slots filled and accidentally tapped button 5 (empty slot) and it dropped into tuner mode. Had to do a double take to see if my volume pedal had moved (it had not, full volume). I moved the volume pedal and it jumped out of tuner mode. Confirmed both pedals were off in the system menu after. Tried to reproduce but it didn't happen again.

    That appears to be my problem. Strangely enough it happens only when the band is playing - it has never happened while I sat with it by myself...

    Hmm, that's weird. Happened every time for me. How old is your firmware? I assumed it was a bad potentiometer (don't even know if that's possible with a unit like this), but when I searched these forums it looked like people had a similar problem with some of the really old firmwares. I tried rolling back to 1.8, re-upgrading to 2.0...nothing seemed to fix it. I ran the front panel test mode (where you hit all the buttons and turn all the knobs) and it passed. Could have been stuck in a weird firmware state? I dunno, I was stumped. I debated contacting support but I bought from Sweetwater and figured it would be a good test of if it was worth paying full retail for their customer service. Turns out it was, they were awesome and had a new one to me before I could even box up the old one.