Posts by Andrew_Ongley

    Thanks for all the responses guys, seems like whichever way I go the Mimiq is going to have to go in the loop in order for it to be switchable. I've yet to get hold of any of the extra gear yet so I think I'll grab the Mimiq first and see how it does in a Stereo effects loop, then make a call on whether the radar is a justified complication or not.

    Thanks for the reply mate, some really interesting Ideas there. Shame about the panning internally as that would have been ideal. The expression pedal sounds like it would work as I want it to, although I wonder whether hitting a patch change and then over to the expression pedal at the same time as soloing might be a stretch for me. Some of this material is quite taxing, hence why I was aiming for a 'patch change only' approach

    At this point, I'm wondering whether to dump the idea of the Radar and use the Mimq in an X slot, so I can have it turned on for a 'double-tracked' stereo rhythm with the same cab, and turn it off on lead patches for 'dual mono' operation (maybe with some nice stereo delays for ear candy). Going to have to weigh this up against having an analogue overdrive up front though, which was my original intention for the loop.

    I'm going to be touring my Kemper next year as a sole guitarist playing material from a two guitar album. I've come up with some ways of re-creating extra parts using chord voicings, Harmonizers for some parts and Looper to layer parts when they start at seperate times. I'm also planning on using the following:

    - One side of the main stereo output to FOH

    -Monitor out (no-cab) > TC Mimiq (alternate Performance) > Mooer Radar > FOH.

    The idea is to simulate double-tracking with two different cabs, I know it won't be exactly the same but if it's good enough for Andy Sneap in Judas Priest, it's good enough for me. The thing I'm wondering is whether there's a way to turn off the double tracking effect for lead sounds? Almost like an internal switching matrix for the output, based on my patch selection. The soundguy can select in the FOH mix as he wishes, but I'd like to be able to control it in unit as it will also feed IEM's for me, and I'm getting the impression I may not enjoy double tracked leads so much . Anyboy got any ideas of other ways to configure that might achieve what I want? It'll be flying to other countries so also needs to be minimal on space

    Quote from Andrew_Ongley: “Full guitar rig for the band. My rig is Wireless>G System Input>MXR ZW Overdrive on G System switchable loop>G System Output>Kemper alternate In, other guitarists rig is Kemper only. Both are midi controlled by the G System…

    Very occasionally we'll play somewhere that the PA isn't up to handling drums, bass, guitars and vocals, that's where we'll give it a little bit of help with the backline. So we're not actually monitoring from it at all, just giving the soundguy some more headroom if there's not enough in house.

    Full guitar rig for the band. My rig is Wireless>G System Input>MXR ZW Overdrive on G System switchable loop>G System Output>Kemper alternate In, other guitarists rig is Kemper only. Both are midi controlled by the G System (yes, I switch his patches too), both main outputs to FOH, both monitor output signals run pre-cabinet section out to X32 rack, back from the X32 to a Rocktron SS power amp in the back of the rack, meaning our sound guy can balance our onstage volume against the PA volume via the iPad linked to our X32. We run In-ears from the buss section of the X32 so stage volume is irrelevant.

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