Posts by kevlarnic

    I just received 2 Kones which I put in my Genz Benz

    ( George Lynch ) cab & prior to the Kones I used the cab without the Kones and liked the sound . I mostly played my powered Kemper through my 4/12 , 1971 Greenback cab and always loved the sound . Now with the Kones in the 2/12 , ( Kone imprint On ,Monitor Cab off & Bass boost On ) I find the sound somewhat synthetic & not as smooth as the original Greenback which seems to take out the spikey fuzz which I find sounds synthetic to me . I’ve tried a few other imprints like Creamback which is close but on the mid to high gain setting I can’t say I’m feeling it . I haven’t much played with the directivity yet ... Any thoughts ?

    If you want to be able to use them as a matched stero pair and/or want to use imprints, I would opt for the Kone or the Celestion K12H-200 which I believe is the basic speaker the Kone was based on. The FX200 is a different beast.

    My brother & I did an actual comparison with both new Kone & K12H-200TC by swapping both into the same cab. The high end on the K12H was noticeably louder and harsher , specifically at the 3.2 to 4khz range . We compensated by rolling off the frequency at about 3.4khz in the output section EQ which gave us as close a match as we could get and not bad if you don't mind locking up the EQ to roll off in that frequency range . I've read that a guy said he couldn't tell the difference which prompted my curiosity .... well i can definitely tell you that without rolling off the aforementioned frequency area that the K12H-200TC is annoying and does not replicate the Kone whizzer tweeter characteristic which is more subtle at that frequency range .