Posts by hal2000

    Keep the SY99 but use Reason. Perhaps in 20 years someone will pay much money for a "vintage" synth. And i think some memories
    are stored within this synth...
    Reason is a good choice. Unfortunately it has no possibilities to use VST-Plugins but the routing (you do it optically with graphic cables)
    is best to learn this stuff. And the synths and effects are more than you need. Start with a Reason Demo or Essentials to look if it is
    the right tool for you.
    And don't forget to make music instead of whole day configurations, like i did...

    Yes and we all remember the acts of violence in the past too.
    I think everyone in this forum can't imagine because we all love peace and music
    and are kind and helpful to each other.
    What is missing in the head of those terrorists?

    Why not using a free DAW to get into the theme? Garageband is a very nice toy but has nothing to to with mixing and producing.
    A good audio interface is needed anyway, so buying a good one isn't a bad idea. But when he has only little experience he has
    to decide later after working with a (any or free) DAW. As Zappledan sais: Everyone has a different Workflow.
    I'm using GarageBand to save my Ideas fast for a complete song. And afterwords i do it in a professional way with Computer,
    DAW and the Kemper.
    The best way is to figure out over the time. You will see what you need. (we all did so, right?). Many DAW's have a light or SE
    Version. That is a good start to play with.
    BTW: Don't forget Midi in the audiocard because you want to use the SY99. But believe me: The modern Softwaresynths are
    much more efficient that a hardwaressynth from the 80's.
    Once again: Start little and go for your needs and not for other users workflow. But for some advices the forum is helpful anyway.

    Erst mal herzlich willkommen im Forum!

    Am besten so:
    1. Kemper einschalten
    2. einen USB-Stick vorne in den Kemper stecken
    3. kurz warten und am Display den Taster "external Storage" drücken
    4. am Display den Taster "Format Device" drücken (ACHTUNG: Alle Daten darauf gehen verloren)
    5. USB Stick entfernen und in PC oder MAC stecken
    6. Die KIPR-Datei in den jetzt vorhandnen Ordner "Shared" des USB kopieren.
    7. USB Stick wieder vorne in den Kemper
    8. Kurz warten und den Display-Taster "Import/export" drücken
    9. Dann "import" und er importiert alles was im Shared-Ordner war.
    Am schnellsten findest du das Rig dann wenn du am display-taster "all Rigs" "last imported" auswählst.
    Und der RIgManager ist auch eine große Hilfe. Und das Handbuch auch...;-)

    As Waraba said:
    A good Audio Card. This card should have the following features:
    - Inputs, Inserts and Outputs as much as you need
    - Depending on future requests and your existing hardware (PC or MAC) a firewire or USB connection
    - S/PDIF (for me very important to use reamping with Kemper)
    - Midi
    I'm using the MBOX Pro Interface at the moment. Before that i had an M-Audio 1814 (which was good enough).
    As DAW i use REASON.
    I would recommend to spend more money on a good Audio Card and look for a free Version of a DAW.
    While making music with a free DAW you will notice which features you are missing and then you can decide
    better which DAW is suitable for YOU.
    But before we continue gessing your future equipment it would be interesting to hear what you already have:
    Computer, Speaker etc.

    Do you have more information?
    When at booting does the error occurs?
    What is the error number?
    Is everything but the Powercable disconnected?
    Perhaps the battery is empty. Try to run the Kemper a whole night to load up the battery.
    Then turn it off, and make a factory reset while booting...

    I think i didn't get your problem really right but if you use the S/PDIF with "GIT Studio", you are at DI-Level.
    Perhaps you use something like "GIT Master left". That is use ful for Reamping. In one channel you have
    the dry mono signal (for reamping) and in the other the wet signal in mono.
    Perhaps you are struggling with those many possibilities of the Kemper.

    So how will i get the sound of a cabinet and not of a speaker? For example: A Marshall Greenback
    cabinet sounds wonderful but the TV Version (is only a bit taller) sounds better. So it has to be
    the more volume of the wood.
    How can i profile this difference?

    As some users said:
    Check if you are at 44.1kHz and 24 bit with your soundcard. And mine M-Audio 1814 has 3 options to sync.
    I had to choose "external clock" to get rid of the crackles.

    Hi Kempers,
    anyone there with experiences in micing 4 x 12 cabs? I have the following questions:
    Most of the cabs are profiled with one mic near one of the 4 speakers.
    Does it make sense to record more than one speaker from the 4 x 12 at once?
    And would it be a good idea to mic one speaker very near and put a second mic 2 meters
    away from the box to intergrate the whole sound of the cabinet?