Posts by Rocketboss

    I use 3 sounds per performance ... use the remote as well ! so an unused switch between the slots: clean , lead & rhythm (some fx buttons, wah standard)

    I have performances called : rock , crunch , classic , heavy & 80's , so each performance has the same button lay-out only the sounds correspond with the song era we play


    Thanks Raf!

    I failed to mention above that I'm also using the remote.

    What happen if you accidentally hit one of the unused switches during a live show? Mute, no sound?

    Although I'm just starting to really think deeply about how to create performances on the remote, my original thought was that I might prefer a flip-flop of the two rows. Amp profiles I-IIII and Stomp/FX switches X five across the lower level. Just for fear of accidentally hitting a loud or clean profile in the middle of a song.

    Paults suggested this topic for discussion.

    What format do you use, to create your performances?

    Personal, coming from a long list of tube amps and just as many pedalboard configurations I struggle with the thought of basically having the option of five different amplifiers onstage behind me and all those pedalboards accompany each.

    I tend to have a hard time not using the same amp profile for all five slots. Again, I think in my mind I'm trying to stay traditional with the configuration.

    Do many of you run multiple different amp profiles within one performance?

    Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!



    Thanks for the clarification, I'll stop searching.

    Obviously I need to move away from focusing to much on a single rig slot and build the performance as a whole. It can be somewhat daunting to wrap your head around.

    Wish there were more threads on performance building strategies. So many possibilities to consider.

    Any thoughts would be again appreciated!