Posts by JH-2

    I want this feature in a second generation Kemper.
    In the meantime I enjoy my first generation Kemper immensely.
    Life is too short to wait for things to happen in order to be happy with what you got.

    Glad to hear this: I want this feature in a second generation Kemper.

    I would like to say the same thing about you but I am 50% satisfied and 50% sad lack of this feature. :):(

    Dude, I don't know if this is only a language bareer or what.
    You don't need to agree with me at all, and you can have your opinion all you want.
    But you should realize the fact that what you demand is not going to happen.

    It´s happen or not is another think. Only I just expressed my opinion about KPA. If you ask all users 99% you will say if you want this feature.

    If you think it's a big failure you shouldn't have bought the Profiler in the first place.
    This doesn't have anything to do with respecting somebody's opinion or not.
    And if you don't work for Kemper you can't evaluate at all if an implementation of such a feature is realistic or not.
    From all we know after nearly 4 years with the Kemper and its forum, it is not realistic.
    And again, you can have a different opinion, but it doesn't change this fact.

    If I buy the Kemper or not is my decision not yours. I do not agree to anything you say, nothing.

    As a user of Kemper again I say that not having this feature is a big failure for me. Is like having a Ferrari and not being able to go 100km/h …..

    I do not pretend to understand it, only that you respect.

    I totally agree with you :)

    I don´t agree with you, I don´t think it's unrealistic to implement in one way or another use 2 amps at a time (which is a device of this type).

    I respect your opinion but also respect mine, for me that can´t be put 2 amps at same time is a very big failure.

    OK, how do you usually use two amps? In which situations? Mic'ed up? Live or studio? For the benefit of yourself (monitoring) or the benefit of the audience?

    In all situation, my sound are with two diferents amps.

    If you have your tones dialed in, I would suggest spending some bucks on getting the two-amp combination profiled in a recording studio instead. Much cheaper, I'd hazard

    Hi Michael,

    You mean do 2 amps profiles simultaneously?

    That would not help... I think he once said the hardware of the actual model is not capable of two amps at the same time.
    So that would have to be a new model - which probably will become more expensive than... It might solve your space problem, but not that with the money ;)

    Size is important :)

    Ingolf I'm not kidding, for me use 2 amps at the same time is absolutely necessary. Kemper people they can add that option in "Kemper 2", if you do not like that option is very easy, you only use one amp :)

    I'm sure if we would have that option would you use 2 amps at same time.

    Preset volume should not be turned up too much to prevent internal clipping.
    Assuming you drive a cab via monitor output you should turn up monitor volume to satisfactory levels (including the power boost).
    Are you German? In this case I recommend reading the reference manual which is acailable in German as a download from the Kemper site.

    Thanks Ingolf. Monitor Volumen and Master Volumen have to the maximun, I'll leave the preset volume like this and I will upload the Power Boost Volumen.

    I'm not German, are manual in English?

    Which volume you mean, Master Volumen, Monitor Volumen or Preset Volumen? Sorry my English is bad, I don´t understood very good.

    Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinet nominal power is 280w.

    I totally agree with Tritium, These features are necessary and urgent:

    - It will feature faster DSP processor(s) and greater flash memory.
    - Significantly improved boot/start-up time.
    - Continued evolution of Profiling algorithm and process.
    - Ability to merge/blend two different amp models and/or run two different amp models in parallel
    - It will also feature STEREO capability for all Outputs, including Monitor Out.

    I hope the Namm 2016 gives us the surprise.

    Yes, I using DI Box supporting speaker level (I've tried several).

    When finished profile have little more distortion and the parameter "Definition" is very low (3.3) and "Power Sagging" (0.0). To make it look a bit more a have to up "Definition" to 7.0 and "Power Sagging" to 6.0. I do not know what is happening ;(

    Hi viabcroce,

    Yes, I need more volume. I have a Mesa Boogie 4x12 cabinet (8 Ohm) and have Monitor or Master Volumen to maximun and 1.0 preset volumen.

    What is the best, up the preset volume or Power Amp Boost?