Posts by Thomas0247

    thanks a lot for the Response!

    regarding the other band mates: Never played a show where there where not enough monitor wedges from the club itself. This should be enough for the others to hear me :)

    But how about the other way round... How do I get the IEM working for me? :)
    Is there a solution to get the band Sound to the IEMs without involvement of the sound engineer? We do not travel with own engineer, so this could be an issue sometimes.

    Never heard of 1964 Audio - but the first look was very impressive! They just sell Earphones - so you still have to get Sender/Receiver - correct?


    been playing Kemper for a few Weeks now and I think it's about time to complete the Setup.

    The problem is, I'm not quite sure what the best approach could be.

    For rehearsals I'm using a Mesa 4x12" STD Cab and at home some Adam Monitors - sweet Sound in both Setups, but when it comes to live Gigs I'm not sure what the best solution could be. Carrying the 4x12" is no Option - just bought the Kemper to get rid of traveling with so much Equipment ;)

    So it comes down to FRFR vs. IEM. I would love to just use IEM but since I would be the only Musician in the Band who would get one - is it even possible? Something like One Ear for IEM and using a Wedge from the Club for the other Instruments? Or are there some reliable IEMs with 2 Inputs (1 for Kemper 1 for Bandmix which would go through the Wedge otherwise?)
    On the other Hand I still would have a different Sound in Rehearsals (Mesa) and Live (IEM) Situations - that seems very annoying when it comes to tweaking the Sounds to get the best Sound for the whole Band.

    FRFR sounds like a much smarter Solution in this Case - always (almost) the Sound the Audience will get. But will a Wedge be enough to compete the 4x12" and the Tube Amp from the other Guitar Player and the 8x10" from the Bass Player? (We indeed do rehearse very loud since our Drummer is a little Maniac ;) )
    Next Problem is that almost every FRFR which is recommended in here (Atomic, DXR, RFC SMA, etc.) is not available in my (only) Local Musicstore - so I would have to rely on YouTube Vids & Recommendations to order a FRFR (and maybe have to take Use of the Money Back Guarantee more often than necessary) - Seems like a whole lot of Work.

    When it comes down to budget I'm mostly free to take what I need. I'm in need of the perfect solution for the next 10 Years - not the one I can afford at the very right moment.

    If it helps: The Live Situations differ from 150ppl Clubs up to bigger Festivals. Mostly the small Clubs though ;) Which means there often will be a technician behind the Desk which is not very reliable (in my Area the smaller Clubs do not have soundengineers who really know what they're doing)

    Anyone got a hint how to approach this dilemma? Any help would be highly appreciated :)