Posts by jjbyron

    Hi all, I've been using Rig Manager to organize, favorite, and add profiles to my KPA, but for some reason I end up getting a lot of duplicate profiles that don't show up in Rig Manager. Does anyone know an easy way to delete duplicate profiles on the KPA itself? It would take hours to delete them all manually, one by one. As it is right now I only have a few hundred profiles, but because of the duplicates I get "too many profiles" error message when I boot up, all because it's seeing duplicates as separate profiles. I'm not sure, but maxing out my memory causes the KPA to act a little strange and not always switch smoothly between profiles. Could it be that I need to update firmware? Does anyone else have this problem?

    Also, is there a way in Rig Manager to make subfolders of saved profiles on my computer? I've thought about wiping my KPA clean and reinstalling the profiles I want, but I lose the "favorite" information and have to go through them individually. If I could create a subfolder of favorites or particular profiles it would save me time and peace of mind.

    Thanks! I appreciate the help and would be happy to share some of my oddball and homemade amp profiles. I'm just getting frustrated with all the syncing and manual adjustments. I searched, but couldn't find any other posts about this. If you recall a form thread specific to this problem, please let me know, and apologies in advance if I'm bringing up an old problem.

    Thanks everyone! I have plenty of Plexi profiles and a 70s Gibson HB, but if anyone comes across a profile that really has that characteristic please let me know. Most of the Marshall profiles I've tried sound a little scooped for some works a lot better with an open back cab and a semi-hollow ric with toaster HB pickups. But these suggestions are much appreciated!

    Hi everyone. I know this might be a silly song, but the production has a nice vintage quality and I'm looking to replicate the guitar and bass tones (and it IS a classic, teenybopper or not). The closest I can get to the opening lead tone is with some of my AC30 profiles with a lot of room. Does anyone have any profiles to share or suggestions?

    "Magic" by Pilot:

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    I'm still new here so please let me know if I've posted in the wrong forum, or if these kinds of inquiries are annoying. I thought "Name that Tone" would be a nice sub-forum topic on it's own, if it doesn't already exist...

    I appreciate all the help and so far I really love the community!

    rock on

    Thanks for the warm welcomes. I have already started a database of profiles of homemade amps and speakers. It will really be some abused amps, damaged speakers, home built microphones, and odd rooms (I'd love to try my backyard). I trust the rig-exchange community to give me the 1 star ratings I deserve. All in the name of fun and experimentation. My girlfriend still won't understand why I have all that shit in the garage, but hopefully I'll at least be able to amuse some folks on this forum. Stay tuned and thanks for the support! I'll be posting in the 'free rigs and profiles' area.

    Here's a pic of the guts from one of the first 50w amps I built (that I still tour with, and has rarely given me problems believe it or not). Yes, it's chaos, but I was a teenager then. I don't mind getting technique has come a long way since then. Profile coming soon for those who care the slightest.

    And just to add, it's not the loud squealy feedback I'm really talking about. It's the nuances of upper harmonics that come through when the pickups are near the cab. Sometimes it is very subtle, just some of the microphonics of the pickups or strings resonating. A note played on a guitar next to a cab just sounds different than one played in the control room. Or often it's the player, just like you can't expect a violinist to play the same way in an anechoic chamber as a cathedral. Some players just play their best when their ears are bleeding, or maybe they have a such lusty relationship with their amp that can't stand to be out of arm's reach (please tell me I'm not the only one, that would be awkward...though it would explain why I'm still single).

    I also plan to profile my tube preamps with some odd and very vintage tubes from a very good friend that kept…[/quote]

    I really appreciate the Kemper as a conservative tool for storing rare tones , I've got a 70's tube head with stock telefunken tube that sound marvelous , I tried once some new tubes in it, what a major disappointment ... I put the old ones back almost instantly and profiled it.

    Yeah new tubes is just one way to really change the way an amp behaves. I've found that even just replacing the filter caps can mess things up. That also doesn't seem to be a problem, since the Kemper deals so nicely with the hum I get from old capacitors.

    I've never built an amp that wasn't at least partially made from spare parts. I'll be happy to share the profiles, but no guarantee they will be anyone's cup of tea. Most are really noisy and gnarly (disclaimer: I'm an electrical engineering dropout)

    Quote from jjbyron: “The one thing I notice, and maybe you guys can help me with this, is that it seems like the kemper is doing some kind of limiting. When I play lightly, the level is still loud (gain sounds fine), and if I transition into heavier…

    You are right, it might work fine with the desk monitors cranked loud enough. However, many guitarists I work with sound and play differently when they are standing next to their amp (on the floor) with the pickups moving around. I assume they get used to controlling those feedback sounds by the way they move, and I don't expect it to be the same in a monitoring environment. The interaction between guitarist, pickups, amp, and blasting cab all in close proximity seems like a difficult thing to replicate. But I will share whatever I find. I'll be pleasantly surprised if I can replicate that scenario.

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    Okay, I didn't JUST step into this world. I saw the Kemper at NAMM a few years ago and thought "oh right, another amp sim", but on closer look, I found it fascinating and I confess I've been using you guys as the incubator/guinea pigs until I knew the KPA was as advertised.

    I'm a composer/music editor/engineer/guitarist, but not a gear junky, at least not a new-fangled gear junky. I've been building homemade amps for about 15 years. I have a habit of designing and building new amps and then after a year, out of frustration, I pull them apart to "rebuild them", but every single time I wish I still had that old 8xEL84 I built when I was 22 that kept crapping out on me on tour. So the Kemper is not just an amp and studio tool for me, but also insurance that I'll still have that sound 10 years from now, and that's priceless. Also, I've only had it four days and I'm already inspired to build more, just so I can profile, archive, and share with everyone.

    I expected there to be a steep learning curve, or at least a lot of trial and error with profiling, but the first amp I sent the aliens through I must have hit a bullseye. I actually couldn't believe it. I had to walk to and from the iso booth a couple times to be sure that Mr. Kemper wasn't lying to me. I've had so much fun the last couple days that I had to post here. And that's a testament, because I have a phobia of forums (I seem to always be posting in the wrong place or not searching properly before inquiries).

    I was still dubious. I thought maybe the gain and eq controls don't work very faithfully, and, well, they don't! But most of my workbench is covered with single volume minimal tone stack amps anyway, and the first sound I get out of a profile usually sounds right immediately. Once I go tweaking is when things start to get a little weird.

    And I was dubious yet still...thinking that maybe this is one of those pieces that sounds great in the box, but probably don't translate so well in the mix. So this evening just for fun I replaced all the guitars from one track with the kemper profiles of the same amps (that I had just profiled in the same room with the same mics). And, as a crusty old tube tech, it was hard to admit that I didn't have to do much mixing at all. All the tones were right there in my face.

    The one thing I notice, and maybe you guys can help me with this, is that it seems like the kemper is doing some kind of limiting. When I play lightly, the level is still loud (gain sounds fine), and if I transition into heavier thick power chords the level is the same. It sounds right on playback, but I can even see in the waveform display that I'm not getting much of a fade or swell (i.e. if I gradually play from soft to loud). There might be some sensitivity parameter that I still need to figure out.

    It won't replace an amp with a guitarist in the same room; there's just no way to get that nuanced feedback. But for amp-iso situations, which seem standard practice now anyway, it's -- *a-hem* -- perfect. So far. It will be a blessing when the next band comes through to redo guitars. I won't have to give them talk about how the amp won't sound the same because of el nino or because mercury is in retrograde.

    Anyway, thanks for welcoming me! I finally may own an amp simulator that doesn't make me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Might have to have to look at an LCD screen from time to time, but I'll live...

    Looking forward to sharing some of my frankenstein amp profiles with the unwary. If there are any tinkerers out there like me, please say don't be a stranger.

    Hello Kemper World, I'm brand new to the KPA and the forum. I apologize if I've posted this thread in the wrong place.

    I bought the Kemper because I build (and attempt to build) unique amps and cabs at home and have already started profiling some of them. I was wondering if there are any other tinkerers or amp designers here who want to share their profiled rigs. I love all the franken-amps out there and the Kemper seems like an amazing way to share and show off your discoveries. If you have any handmade or unique mods please let me know! I searched for related topics but didn't see any. If you know of a related thread, can you direct me to it?

    I'll post some of my science project amp profiles shortly. None of them are clones, most are stupid and inefficient but I love them all. I have a 6xEL84 and a 6x6V6, as well as many many single ended designs or preamps with odd and rare tube findings. For future builds and profiles, let me know if you have any inspiration or irrational requests. I'm always up for a challenge...
